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After the whole shocking scene in front of everyone, Jessica then moved them back into the monorail everyone from students to teachers are trying to ask questions sadly she doesn't respond to any of them she then said she would answer their questions after reaching their destination after few minutes nearing their destination what they saw took their breath away an almost endless amount of attractions from roller coasters to children attractions all themed for the park beautiful clean ceramic paths which lead to what could only be described as luxury hotels litter around the place a giant lake covering the centre of the park eventually the train stopped just by the hotels Jessica lead them inside she then told what looked like an infinite amount of staff to take everyone to their rooms finally the staff asked all the guests if they are comfortable they then said their goodbyes.

This gave both students and teachers time to process what thymey have just seen after half-hour of contemplation all teachers and students came downstairs to be surprised by the amount of food in the dining room the teachers asked who's it for the staff responded that this shocked them but they couldn't say no to free food they all dug in like a pack of starving dogs by the time it was done there was nothing left.

After all food everyone thought back to the scene they will saw an hour ago almost everyone was in some form of shock except one person who said" I finally got to see this park!" as everyone stares at them it was a woman with blond hair waved at them and then spoke in simple Japanese "hi I'm Melissa" everyone started to ask how she knew about this place she explained she has been studying the owner or creator aka Izuku Yagi she asked all might for invite he didn't give it thought it stated the yagis could bring one guest she also asked all might on message app telling him how much she wants to meet his son.

Just as everyone is wrapping up their heads around it Jessica came into the room to announce she will be outside ready for them to take a park everyone nodded half an hour later they all came out Jessica then asked "are you ready to see once in a lifetime adventure!" she said it with such pride and excitement it convinced the easily persuaded but teachers including some students giving her dubious look but noted she then shouted "off we go hope everyone enjoys!" as they travel students start to barrage her with questions like what dinosaurs do you have or why there is a big lake she then responds with "don't worry save those questions when looking at the animals, for now, ask some general park questions" she said in a small chuckle.

They started asking how much they make she gave a rough estimate they then asked about the other attractions from balloon rides on the island to the dino roller coaster and finally shopping with some smaller attractions young she even hinted about the arcade subtly getting those who like to game to waste some coin on them after that they were led to the visitor centre she then explained that all of them have VIP access they will get to all rides quickly however they will have your guides with them most understood however she explained the rules most understanding however those that want to learn more about the science followed her.

These groups were split to see all the beginning areas from trike valley which had general ed students going couple others as well most of class a went to Allo ridge some of support class went with Jessica including Mei and Melissa and finally class b went to see velociraptor hotland while the teachers were split equally this would be beginning of the joy but terror soon to come

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