34. Jinjiang

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Sensing that Jiang Zhibei's sight had been frozen in the place where he shouldn't,

The male worm embarrassedly used the short hem of his suit to cover it up as best he could, and stared at Jiang Zhibei without any intimidation: "Don't look at it!"

At this time, Jiang Zhibei had already felt the existence of pheromones.

As he said before, once the male gets that kind of stimulation,

pheromones are secreted spontaneously.

And as he saw,

The male is now... excited.

The male worm was about to speak again, but when he opened his mouth, there was an uncontrollable sigh of the boat.

I probably never thought I would make such a sound,

His peach blossom eyes widened in disbelief,

Cover your mouth.

Jiang Zhibei was briefly felt at close range just now,

Now I was shocked by the size I saw with my own eyes, and after hearing the sound,

He looked up at the male, and saw a pair of watery eyes flooding the bottom of his eyes, beautiful eyes mixed with shame, longing and supplication.

Jiang Zhibei easily noticed that the male insect's current state was very wrong,

It's not like a normal physiological response would be the case.

He stood up on his still unrecovered arm,

Approach the male.

The males backed away in fright,

But Jiang Zhibei had already smelled a very special smell on him,

It's that kind of medicine.

His already pale face became even more gloomy, and he reached out and grabbed Xie Lan's arm,

My mind changed sharply: "A worm drugged you? Did Cecil do it?"

With Cecil's character, in order to save him, forcibly tying the male worm over and having **** is something he can do.

The male worm did not expect that Jiang Zhibei had already thought of going to such a place, and was even a little speechless for a while.

But he shook his head quickly,

answer in a slow whisper,

Because once you speak a little louder or faster,

I can't help but want to make a strange sound: "...No, I volunteered."

Jiang Zhibei immediately understood why the male worm took this medicine.

Like Cecil,

He was also shocked by the male's efforts to the point of being speechless,

After a while,

It was difficult to confirm: "What are you... saying is true?"

Seeing that Jiang Zhibei was still obsessed with such a strange question, the expression on the male worm's face was blank for a moment. After reacting, Taohua's eyes were full of shame and anger, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

But he still needs to stay here and continue to provide Jiang Zhibei with more pheromones to help him soothe his spiritual power. Moreover, the expression on Jiang Zhibei's face was too fragile at this time, as if he was expecting an impossible dream to come true, which made him really uneasy.

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