8 ; Conversation

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So you wanna know what conversation you had with Hazeeq? hehehe 👀

Hazeeq : Sorry behalf from my mama, dia tak sengaja hehe
Y/N : it’s okay Hazeeq, I understand
Hazeeq : She likes to joke around, so I just went with the flow.
Hazeeq : I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
Y/N : No, it’s okay. Mama looks sweet eitherway, she’s really nice :)
Hazeeq : Nanti ikutlah I jumpa Mama if you’re free, I tengok Mama macam berkenan dengan you.
Y/N : hehe, Insya'Allah.

Hazeeq’s been treating me nice lately, and I never saw this side of him. It makes me fall even harder in love with him, and I love that about him.

After a few minutes, we’ve already arrived at our destination. He opened the door for me and I went out, we both walked besides eachother as our phone buzzed like crazy.

“What’s so noisy in this group?” I checked my phone to read the group's chat.

College Bsf <3

I feel like I know who it is..
Amir Ahnaf <3
Who is it? tell me?
@Aulia @Mierul hehehe :3
I knew it, well it isn’t that surprising since they already had been close to eachother since day 1.
Amir Ahnaf <3
Quite obvious, well.. Really obvious hehe c:

I put my phone away and looked at Hazeeq, I know deep down inside him he was hurt. I know he still loves Aulia, but it’s sad that Aulia don’t have the same feeling for him.

“Are you, okay Hazeeq?” I asked, he looked kind of sad. As if he was betrayed, by someone he truly believes, but him and Mierul isn’t that close..

“Yeah, it’s just. I didn’t expect for them to be together you know? It’s kind of sad that I’ve done everything and yet her choice is still Mierul, I’m jealous.” he said.

What he said is..What I felt when I knew he liked Aulia and not me. I got ahead of myself when it felt like he had fallen for me now, maybe I was.. just too overconfident, I shouldn’t be too comfortable.

“Are you okay Y/N? You got anything on mind? Do you want to share it?” I looked at Hazeeq, and just shaked my head. I wanted to tell him, but I felt like it wasn’t necessary. It’s not important, I’ve handled this all of it by myself, and it’s not the first time.

“I’m kinda hungry, let’s eat shall we before we go shopping?” he said, I nodded and got to a nearby food stall.

We ordered our foods and I left my handbag and phone on the table with Hazeeq. I couldn’t hold myself back from crying, so I tried to run away by going to the washroom.

I washed my face and tried to calm myself to not ruin this day for him. I don’t want to ruin things, badly. Like I did before..

I headed back to where I was. I saw Hazeeq waiting for me, and the food had already been served. He saw me and adjusted handkerchiefs for me, I sat down and started eating with him.

“This food stall has good food right?” He asks, not wanting to make this into a awkward silence, I nodded and faked smiled towards him.

“Kenapa ni Y/N? macam sedih je, you ada masalah ke? kalau ada cerita dengan I..” he comforts me as he looks into my eyes deeply and pouts.

hahaha comel, but..I don’t want to fall any deeper than I already have. “Yeah, I okay je. Takpe, jangan risau. You habiskan makanan you, I nak balas message Amir.” I replied, wanting to avoid this situation. I took out my phone and opened WhatsApp to see a new message from Amir.

Amir Ahnaf <3

Heyyy Y/N!! macam mana okay tak keluar dengan dia?


Sure ke okay ni? macam moody jee :(
Apa jadi?
Ada apa apa ganggu Y/N ke?
Cerita la, Amir ada.

Mmm, dia still suka Aulia.
hehe takdela, macam kecewa sikit, tapi dah biasa.

Alaa, it’s okay Y/N.
I know you’re overthinking about it.
Cuma, don’t be too upset okay? It hurts, but eventually, Hazeeq will move on.
I know him, and I know you can hang onto it.
But if you can’t, you’re always welcome to comeback to me Y/N.
You’re in his care for today, and the next day if he insists.

Thankyou for listening :(
I love you Amir, thankyou so much 🤍
You’ve done so much for me.
I appreciate your efforts, so much🤍🤍.

I closed my phone and put it away. I arranged the plates since we were done eating and making it easy for the waiter to pick it up. Hazeeq went to buy the foods, and we already went to go shopping. (not really)

I wasn’t a big fan of buying things, I like spending time with him. He wasn’t busy on his phone, he was focusing onto me. Talking to me, about his day, his mama, and everything that he felt like is necessary to tell me.

I just listened to him talking and, he’s cute. You know why, I love when he’s talking to me.

“You nak tahu something tak? My parents tak pernah berkenan with any of girl that I’ve brought home, tak kisahlah kawan ke, colleges friends ke, colleagues ke, or anyone! My parents tak suka, but for my studies, they’re willing to welcome them. Tapi, bila sampai you je, everything's upside down! My mama berkenan nak berkenalan dengan you, and my father’s also looking forward to it.” said Hazeeq, which made me smiled sincerely. My heart beat was fast, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks were heating, I was blushing. Is it a coincidence or a blessing?

I felt shy, “ye ke? hehe, takpela if Mama ada buat event kee, invite I ke, bagitau jeee! Untuk Mama I sentiasa free” I said. He giggled, “Of course Y/N, anything for you is possible.”

That made me even happier to hear, I’ve never felt this happy before. If this is how I will forget about my problems, and remain this happy, I’d gladly spent my whole life with him.

“Oh ya! Tadi Mama chat I, Mama kata if you free malam ni, Mama nak dinner together. If you want, I can bring along my friends, and Mama said she’s fine with that if you’re aren’t comfortable with just the two of us.” He said, looking so cheerful. Comelnya :)

“I tak kisah, if you rasa you nak bawak dia orang, I okay jaa! Since tomorrow dah mula sleepover, I’m always okay with it. We can spend time together, and boleh singgah Funfair!” I said, oh no. Did I got ahead of myself..? Oh no, no, no. That’s just-

“Okay!! Boleh! I setuju, lagipun balik awal buat I bosan, we can singgah Funfair sekejap!!” He excitedly agreed to my plan. Aww, is this how it feels to be with him? If this is what it feels, I wish to stay by his side, until I’m grey and old.


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