7:Captian Hwang

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Y/n Pov
It's been a few weeks.

We've gone through the same routine,
Wake up
Get dressed

Sometimes there was no breakfast or sometimes they wouldn't even serve lunch.

Today we're skipping breakfast and we're all making our way into the training facility, before leaving i place my necklace under my pillow

When we arrive we have a few minutes to spare

As I soon as I enter through the door with nara,

Straight away I hear that annoying voice

Jimin:hey nara!

She smiles and waves at her brother while he does the same back but of course, when his gaze switches over to me, his smile drops and glares at me

Y/n:I really hate your brother

I whisper and she laughs,

People start to line up and we all wait patiently,

I don't know how but I'm somehow next to Jimin and I know he hates that I'm next to him, I know that he probably wants to punch the hell out of me and he—

My thoughts are cut off by the doors opening.

Sergeant Gim steps inside with someone else,
A man. He looks like about 50

I feel everyone is room breathings stop and I start to get nerves since everyone else seems to be
Mr Gim:Today we have Captain Hwang

Mr Gim:today we are going to be going over combat and martial arts, captain Hwang is a master at it and will be inspecting you all today

Silence floods the room and but Sergeant Gims breaks it as he shouts



We disperse after his permission and I walk quietly towards nara who is whispering something to Jimin


She looks at me, it's not often that i speak during training and when I do she seems to either get excited or concerned

Y/n:who is this captain Hwang

Nara:he's Mia's dad

She says and my eyes instantly go wide

I look around the room and see Mia sitting in the corner smiling smugly at everyone

Y/n:so what, now that her dad is here she get to slack off

Jimin:just shut the fuck up before you get all of us in trouble

He snarls and I glare at him

Nara:ok enough, let's separate and work on our skills

I nod and walk away, nara has managed to gain so much respect and trust from me in a short amount of time and I'm glad it's her and not anyone else

I make my way to a boxing bag and get into a stance


I count before punching,
I throw jabs,  use my elbows, sometimes I will include a couple of kicks

By the time I'm done, I'm breathing hard and sweating all over my body

???:good form

I freeze and raspy voice says from behind me

I jump and turn round but quickly lower my gaze

Y/n:Captain Hwang

I say nervously

C. Hwang:look up girl

I look up slowly,

He smirks

C. Hwang:you seem to be pretty good, what's your name girl

I gulp air before answering

Y/n:Y/n, My name is Kang y/n

He stares at me, almost as if he stuck in his thoughts, his eyebrows pull together and the they lift, almost as if he realised something

C.Hwang:well Kang Y/n, I want to see a how good you are at martial arts

He moves to the side allowing me to walk in front

I hesitantly step forward and make my way to a space on the mat, I can tell everyone is trying to watch but in the corner of my eye, I see an angry Mia

C.Hwang:show me what you know

He puts his arms out and waits
I look at him, he want me to fight him

C.Hwang:yes fight me

He stated, like it was obvious from my confused expression

I don't know if he's just gonna let me hit him or if he's trying to catch me of guard

Either way i have to be prepared

Just as I get into position

He steps forward and leaps into the air, spinning around as my guard quickly goes up,

He wait a split second while gravity takes over and allowing his foot to become level with my head , he shoots out  his foot, almost catching me in the chest. I stride backwards as he lands in a squatting position on the ground

I quickly evaluate his movements,
He's quick and skilled

From the squatting position he shoots up on his feet again, ready to sweep me off the ground but I jump up avoiding the blow and twist round so I'm behind him

He's quick to get up and into a lunge while holding his arms in front as if he's ready to cut something

I copy his move and we both wait for a second

I'm first to move, bringing my foot up to hit his face but he grabs it and pushes me onto my back, while holding my foot he dives over me forcing me into a backward role and onto my knees,

He's behind me and I don't have the time to turn as he kicks me to the ground

I groan as my chin makes a hard impact with the ground but I ignore it as quickly is it came

I'm up on my feet and I'm determined to finish him, I'm more alert and focused

He smirks

He kicks but I use the side of my arms to push his legs away ,

He twists round and I jump onto his shoulders and let myself full backwards with him,

He flips onto his stomach and using my elbow I hit the back of his neck,

Before I could do more, he chuckles

I stop immediately as I realised what I had just done

I'm gonna be punished

I'm gonna be punished

I repeat

He gets up and stares me down

C. Hwang:well done, your a quick thinker and very skilled

He than walks off and I see Mia marching towards him, I see him kiss her forehead as she wines about something.

She's glares at me and I know that she's going to plan something

Hey guys,
It's been a while since
I've posted, I'll try to post more and please Ignore
any gramma and spelling, I will fix them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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