Chapter 3

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Valkylie closes her eyes, leaning back against a brick wall, waiting to turn the corner to speak to the soldier she approached hours earlier. "If Jadis is right..." She mumbles to herself, "they should've chose her instead of me."

"Kylie?" Someone asks, making her bolt up from her position, promptly opening her eyes to a boy with short sandy blonde hair standing near her, holding an envelope in his hands.

"Hey." She exhales with relief. "You're Colt's brother aren't you? Falco?"

"Yeah..." He responds, starting to narrow his eyes at her. "Did you change your hair colour?"

"What?" She looks over at the lock of her hair dangling beside her right eye, taking notice of its usual platinum blonde colour altering into a reddish-pink hue. "Uhh, I'm trying to," She titters, "never mind that. Um, I have a quick question for you."


"Do you know who that man is? Can you give a name, at all?"

"Mr. Kruger? Yes. He's —"

"Wait, wait, wait," She interrupts, "I'm sorry. Kruger??? That's...?"

"It's what he told me."

'Did she report the wrong person?' Valkylie quickly shakes her head. "Okay. That's all I need to know. Thank you. Tell your brother I said hi."

"Okay. See you, Kylie."

She watches the boy walk away before turning the corner, discovering the bench now empty, and "Mr. Kruger" further ahead from it, talking to another soldier, who also possesses sandy blonde hair and glasses. "What the fuck?" She curses to herself. "Is that Zeke... Jaeger?"


"Why do I have to go back to Paradis now?" Valkylie asks.

"It's the safest place you can be after tonight. They already eradicated all the titans on the island. When you get there, just stay home, and you'll be fine."

"What do you mean by that? What the fu—"

"Get on the ship, Kylie!" Alanis demands. "I will tell you everything when all of this ends. I'll see you in a week."

"Okay, damn. Bye." She frowns before turning around to walk up the gangway, heading up to the deck of the ship. 'What does she know that I don't?' Finally on the deck, she sits down in front of the railing, raising her head to look at the overcasted night sky above them. 'Wait a second,' She turns her head, 'if he's here...?' A gold flash illuminates the sky for a second, all of them feeling a tremor suddenly rock the ship. Valkylie jumps up to look behind her, her hair turning to a blood red colour as she grips the railing, ready to bolt in the direction of the commotion.


Changing into a luminous ball of light, she charges into the sky, seeing a dark, hulking stature of a titan nearby as she makes a beeline back into Marley. 'That's not Porco, not Reiner...' She settles on the rooftop of a building, watching the titan bash its fists into the foundation of a collapsed building multiple times from afar. "That's the fucking Attack Titan!" She takes a step forward before feeling someone tug on her hoodie, yanking her away from the edge of the roof.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Her aunt shouts. "What are you gonna do?? Kill Eren? WE NEED HIM!"

"WHAT I WAS TRAINED TO DO!" She raises one of her arms, attempting to aim the forefinger of her left hand at the nape of the titan.

Alanis snatches her arm to avert her power. "LET IT GO, KYLIE! They're all going to die soon anyway, and we're not going to be exterminated because of you!"

Attack on Titan: Revenge on Marley (Witch Version)Where stories live. Discover now