Closer, Farther

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Courtney munched on a peanut butter and pineapple sandwich—a new pregnancy craving—as she looked through Facebook. She hadn't been on in a while because she had gotten too caught up in political debates. Courtney was no coward. She'd rather argue in real life.

She was mostly pretty lonely. Her parents hadn't spoken to her since they found out about her pregnancy, and, of course, Duncan wasn't in the picture besides doctor's appointments. Courtney knew it was partially her fault—she told him she didn't want him around—but after the ultrasound appointment a few days ago, she changed her mind. Maybe they could meet once a week for breakfast or take a walk. And Duncan could protect her from any invasive paparazzi questions.

A red circle appeared at the top right corner of Courtney's notification center, cutting her fantasy short. She clicked on it, anticipating an arguer in the comments personally attacking her. Instead, Sierra's name and profile picture popped up.

Sierra: Hey, Courtney! I know it's been forever since we talked, but I want to pitch this idea to you!

So, I thought I'd interview all the original Total Drama contestants separately. It'll be like a "Where are they now?" Segment! How does that sound? I thought I'd ask you first (after Cody, of course) because I believe you have the best judgment out of all the contestants!😊

Courtney smiled pridefully after reading. "Of course I do," she flattered herself. She typed back: I'm not sure. I don't think any more popularity would benefit me right now.

Sierra: I totally understand!! But if you agree, there's money in it...

Courtney bit her lip. She needed money to pay off college debt. How much? She typed back.

Sierra: $5,000 :)

Courtney: Really?

Sierra: Yes, no joke. My blog is getting HUGE. I'm on my way to having my very own talk show!

This interview could help tremendously, Courtney thought. And all I have to do is answer a few questions. Ok, I'll do it! When do you want to meet up?

Sierra: About three weeks from now. Saturday, March 6th. 4:00 pm😉😘

Courtney: I will be there! Thank you so much, Sierra!

Sierra: Of course!😊

Courtney: See you then!!

Courtney took a deep breath. She hadn't been interviewed since she was eighteen after Total Drama World Tour. And that interview was a disaster. They'd asked her if she wanted to get revenge on Duncan for cheating on her. She refused to answer, so they kept bombarding her with questions about her past friendship with Gwen and if she felt like shaving off her head, setting her clothes on fire, etc.

Courtney had felt like doing all of those things before World Tour ended. She had changed her mind because she wanted to be the "bigger person." Plus, she had already embarrassed herself enough that season with her desperate attempts to infuriate Duncan by using Tyler and Alejandro.

This interview with Sierra would be her redemption. She'd make sure everyone knew she wasn't just a psycho A-type woman with a superiority complex. She was so much more now. She had learned so much since she grew up.

That night, Courtney fell asleep early after drinking a glass of ginger ale. That drink was one of the only remedies for her nausea. Anti-nausea medication had worked for the first few weeks but eventually stopped being effective.

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