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marsh had just woken up. she slowly made her way down the stairs to the bar area.
"hey girllllll!!!! how ya doinnnnn?" bow's harsh voice against the soft morning light pierced her ears, but she had gotten used to it.
"im-" yawn "okay, just tired" she sat down on a stool , putting her head down on her arms. apple wasnt awake yet, she usually slept about a half hour later then marsh- which she only knew because its the only time she can get away from her. of course. bow, as per usual, gave marsh her "morning beverage", or, as most people say, soda. they didnt really have much else, besides water, but it tasted a little weird here. they once found a spider had laid eggs in there once. she sat in silence while bow talked all about the latest drama between the paintings. bow had just finished talking about some card game, when they heard a thud from the direction of the stairs. marshmallow turned around to see apple facedown on the floor in a pile of blanket. she couldnt help but laugh as apple groaned, clearly not fully awake yet. she stood up, her hair tousled, bright pink blanket wrapped around her shoulders. she blinked a couple of times before staggering over to the stool next to marshmallow's, yawning what seemed like every few seconds.
"good morning.." her voice was hoarse.
"nice sleep then?" marshmallow laughed, her face heating up a bit at apple's gravelly morning voice and messy hair. apple laid her head down, cheek squishing against the countertop. she blinked slowly as bow set a soda in front of her.
"you know you can go back to sleep?" marsh said, laughing at her sleepiness.
"mm.. nah" she sat up and drank the soda. she noticed apple's eyes widen a bit, most likely from the sugar.
"apple look at me" marshmallow told her.
"hm?" she raised her eyebrows, eyes half closed, with a skeptical look.
"..youre so cute" marshmallow reached her arms out for a hug and apple fell into them, wrapping the blanket around the two of them, the soft morning sun enveloping them.
"you're so gay" bow remarked.
"shut up."

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