ithaqua. || winter snow

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no beta we die like norton

Ithaqua + Reader

Snow fell from the frigid dusk, dancing to a silent waltz with the wind, before finally resting in the snow scape. [Y/N]'s body heaved as she let out a sneeze followed by several coughs while stiff fingers tapped across the keys on the cipher. Leo's Memory was a widely hated map for its too-dark atmosphere and the too-cold temperature, including [Y/N]. Perhaps it was the fact that she hadn't matched in Leo's for a while but the cold seemed to pierce at her aching body fiercer than before. Perhaps it was because there was a new wind that occupied this melancholic land.

Everyone was off their game today, barely decoding and barely kiting as they struggled against the hunter with this harsh winter. Fiona and Kurt were finished off rather quickly, leaving [Y/N] and Emily to decode 4 ciphers by themselves. At this point, [Y/N] was seriously considering whether she should crawl into a locker and die, she had thought with chattering teeth and drooping eyes. This self dilemma burrowed itself so deep that a near miss of a blade across the skin of her face was almost unnoticed. The sudden slam of fear hammered into [Y/N]'s chest, sharp breath stung while she bolted without looking back as the presence of the hunter followed. Steps with the accompaniment of crunching snow got alarmingly close causing [Y/N]'s lungs to hitch when a blind flash of pain ripped itself into her leg, the sound of a cry followed.

Crashing into the ground, snow kissed her tearful cheek while she held her leg. Ithaqua stood, long forgotten, with a raised weapon and confusion swimming in his eyes. He literally didn't even hit her yet. His posture loosened, staring noiselessly as [Y/N] achingly squirmed against the freezing ground as she tried to 'uncramp' her leg.

How helpless, Ithaqua had thought.
But something had changed the trajectory of his mind. His heart waned for a slight tick as he continued watching this strange girl writhe on the ground, so vulnerablely. [Y/N] pried an eye open following the natural shape of the blades stuck into the ground to the frame of the hunters shoulders before meeting the eyes. Those hollow eyes. One could describe them as the haunting cold of the mountainside's forest, just as frightening and just as lonesome.

Locked into a standstill, neither knew what was appropriate to say or do although this was soon cut short with [Y/N] crumbling into a fit of coughs, her body turning painfully into itself. At this point in time, something had definitely settled into Ithaqua's chest when they suddenly lowered themselves onto the ground, however he managed to do that in his stilettos. Gloved hands reached towards the shivering ones of the now sat up [Y/N], albeit a visible struggle was prevalent with the still throbbing but stopped seizing leg. The cool material of Ithaqua's glove made contact with her hand, to which she can only groggily flinch subtly. Ithaqua's free hand shifted his pale mask upwards lightly, pale skin and lightly chapped lips from the cold were lit by the sole moonlight in the sky.

With hands enwrapped in hands, he rubbed them gently and blew lightly. Had it not been for this brain aching cold, [Y/N] might've even let out a huff of shock but the fatigue was too numbing for her to do anything but quietly indulge in this somewhat endearing situation. Snowfall continued ceaselessly around the two in a still silence beside the breaths of the strange man on stilts. What seemed to never end stopped as soon as it started as Ithaqua paused, in thought. Without a word, [Y/N] was gathered into his arms and stood back to his towering height then walking off in his usual manner, possibly to find the other survivor left. Long strides made a rocking motion, the lull of sleep beckoning [Y/N]. Eyes fluttered as head dropped continuously. Although there was something [Y/N] needed to know.

"..What's your name?"

A silence followed her mumbling, nearly mistaking that he had not heard. Now the darkness was too powerful as [Y/N]'s consciousness left her grasp. A hoarse voice replied.




Lol this awkward I leave for like two years and suddenly I'm back again uhmmm yea in reality I just can't escape this game like ever cause I took a two year break but ahahahahah I love the characters too much and I'm too addicted to the game so :)

Also I started a tumblr for writing too ☝️ it's also the same username @nirqii but I'll be cross posting on both platforms probably still tho feel free to check it out hehe 🫰

Hope you enjoyed this request hehrhhr i wrote it while taking the wrong bus and ending up halfway across my subrub

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