flowers in my throat 🌸🌹

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angst to fluff

Hailey POV
I look at Milly from across the music club room. Shes so pretty. Her short pink hair falling in front of her face while shes playing guitar, giggling when she pisses off Zander. Shes just so pretty.

I feel a sudden pain in my throat. "Hey guys im gonna go to the bathroom, be right back." i leave without waiting for a response.

Once I enter the bathroom I start coughing above the sink. I cough up petals, with a bit of blood. This has been happening for 2 days. I looked into it. Its apparently called Hanahaki. One sided love disease. Im gonna die if she doesn't feel the same way, which she doesn't.

After coughing up a few more petals I walk back to the music room, not noticing theres blood on my sleeve. I walk in and Milly immediately runs up.

"You good hails!!?" she asked. "You ran off pretty fast." she looked actually worried. "Yeah just had a weird pain. Im good now." Shes so nice to me. I love her. "Alright.." She grabs my hand and drags me back.


After school, Milly decides to hang around my house. When we get there we hang out in my room talking in giggling. Thats when I get the pain again. "Im gonna go to the bathroom be right back." She looks at me worried but nods. I go in the bathroom and throw up even more petals with more blood. Even a thorn comes up. "Shit."

I walk back to my room and lay next to her. Thats when she notices. "Whats on your sleeve?" she asks, worried. I look down at the blood stain. "Oh. uh— i had a nose bleed in class.." I lied, pretty obvious. "okay.." She went back to looking at the TV

Two days later, im coughing up thorns and petals constantly. I know its gonna be over soon.

After a week of it happening, thats when I know. Im gonna be gone today. I know it. I cough up an entire rose, blood everywhere. and then the worst person to walk in ever comes in. Milly. "Hailey..?"she asks. im leaning over the counter, blood coming out of my mouth. She runs over, seeing the flowers. "You have hanahaki..? Over who..?" she asks me, very concerned. I look at her. "You. You Milly.." she looks shocked. But she walks up and puts her hand on my cheek. She kisses me. I kiss back. Eventually, we let go. She hugs me. I instantly feel better. We hug for a while.

word count: 435
ahh i suck at writing long oneshots buttt i thought this was cute. idk if its very angsty- sorry..

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