Chapter 1 rewrite

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Ej buried his curious heart that one day he'll cross paths with his soulmate ever since he stepped foot in another country.

He was a confused mess back in high school and confused now on why his body senses someone special here.

The fourteen contestants sat in the main greeting room as chatter passed through Ej's ears.

Just out of nowhere, Ej's face flushed as many foreign thoughts and jumbled images he had never seen entered his private mind.

He knows the other can't control it too, so no doubt the other is receiving his thoughts as well.

His face held disappointment, a foreign soulmate he couldn't understand well.

In the past, he had expectations of exchanging funny conversations about their day or comforting one another.

He started rubbing his arms getting a draft under his jacket while his legs shake.
His soulmate was having a chill, until Ej received it in his place.

"Who are you?" Ej's whispered through the icy air.

Harua turned his head in curiosity at the Korean sitting beside him. "Hm, you said something?"

Ej eyes side glanced his nametag before switching his tounge to Japanese. "Ah, sorry nothing."

"Mm, well I heard it." Koga mentions but didn't press him in front of the other contestants.

Ej licked his lips at seeing an image of cup ramen popped up in his mind. He just ate two hours ago and never craved their version of Ramen before.

Could his soulmate be Harua? His heart held so many questions, but now isn't the time-

I-I'm not Harua.

Ej smiled trying to not get distracted as this is the worst place to do so.


In the evening, Ej's felt no exhaustion enough to rest just yet in one of company's dance studios.

The music through company's speakers guided his body, just hours ago the judges gave him role being leader to a team.

He can't fail delivering &ball's for all of them. But, neither of them has enough time.

The door opened which made Ej suddenly stopped midway.

He glance curious as one of the Contestant's with Jo nametag as the younger bowed in greeting, before going right inside to grab his abandoned water bottle on corner.

Ej pulled a grin upon Jo's reflection looking back at him once again. He decided to speak up. "Good night, Jo."

"You too." Jo muttered before breaking away from their stares and goes out the enterance.

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