The little girl

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Almost there, I told myself. Almost there... Shivering from fear and the biting cold that wrapped itself around me, I trod on through the dreary hall. I could see the decrepit old oak door far ahead of me, smiling welcomingly. I could hear the continuous plink of dripping water and the tick tock of an old grandfather clock. Nails digging into my palms, I took a deep breath, trying to appease myself but failing to do so. The glacial wind whispered behind me, warning me, trying to convince me to stop, to turn back. Ignoring these whispers, I continued walking, my mind racing at the speed of light. Almost there, I told myself. Almost there...

I could feel the eyes of the portraits on the wall following me along the dark, spacious corridor, sweet, innocent smiles masking their true, sinister forms. Behind me, someone called out my name... Lily... I turned around, holding my breath, my eyes wide and watery, cold fear creeping up my spine. There was no one there. I walked faster this time, not looking back, gradually speeding up, eerie footsteps reverberating through the dreary corridor. Almost there, I told myself. Almost there...

A hand gripped my shoulder from behind me, pulling me back, away from the door, away from freedom. A frigid, pallid hand. I tried to scream, tried to run. I couldn't. I couldn't move at all. It was as if my voice and ability to move had gotten lost in a maze of fear and agony. As suddenly as it had come, the hand let go; I could move again. With a throbbing shoulder, I ran as fast as I could towards the door, as far away as possible from whoever was trying to stop me. Almost there, I told myself. Almost there...

Slipping on a shard of glass, I fell backwards. An ear-splitting scream pierced through the gloomy, dusky corridor... my ear-splitting scream. Unable to think, and once again, unable to move, I opened my eyes and looked up. Someone was staring down at me. It was a little girl. And she was smiling.

You guys should check out the song! It's really good and matches the story really well since the girl is called Lily. Anyways, hope u guys enjoyed!

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