You're the one~

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A Poem by WikiMalik~


You're the one,

I've been breathing up for you,

When the time comes I'll show,

That this isn't lies but true.

You're the one,

I hope you remember me,

What you can't but I can see,

That our love sprouts from the seed.

You're the one,

I'd die but can't give up,

Not you I would my love,

That it's been a fair fight.

You're the one,

You're deep within my soul,

And when you rise up my moon,

I'll still be there, awake in the night.

You're the one,

See the time has moved us apart,

But it can't silence cries of my love,

That eons I can spare to this wait.

You're the one,

One memory of them all,

That keeps me up when I fall,

And you won't fade until I'm alive.

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