Part 1

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I woke up and went downstairs to see Matt which is weird because he doesn't wake up until I'm half ready
"Morning Matty" I say cheerfully, he doesn't say anything but wave which means he is tired because he normally says morning and gives me a hug.

I eat breakfast then go back up to my room to get ready for school which I'm not excited for because of these girls. But anyways I get changed into jeans a tank top and a black, white and beige jacket.

After I got changed did my makeup and hair I was getting all my things ready for school until I hear shouting from downstairs

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After I got changed did my makeup and hair I was getting all my things ready for school until I hear shouting from downstairs.
"Keira!! Hurry up your going to be late!!" He shouts moaning
"Don't worry I'm here chill" I say walking down the stairs

The car ride school was silent as I knew Matt was tired and didn't want to speak right now, as soon as I got school Matt said his goodbyes surprisingly and I walking into the school gates to find my friends.

After a while I couldn't find them so I went straight to class which was maths which is alright because the teacher is nice to me, after the bell went it was English which isn't so bad because my friends are usually in that class, as I got to my English classroom there were empty seats where Lilly and Jordan (Keira's friends) always sat. About 10 minutes after I knew Lilly and Jordan wasn't in today but before I knew it the bell went so I had to spend lunch and break by myself

I went to my locker and put everything in there then went to the cafeteria to get a drink until I ran into someone I never wanted to run into... the popular girl Amelia she came over to me
"Awh where are your little friends" Amelia said like a brat she is
"Idk probably not in but can you just leave me alone" I said because I can't be doing with them
"I would leave you alone but I don't want to" she said all sassy
"What do you want from me?" I say sighing
"No need for all the huffing and puffing Jesus" she said while smacking he gum. I wanted to slap this bitch so hard at this point
"But anyways...I need to talk to you in the bathroom alone" she says while grabbing my arm. As soon as we were in the bathroom she pushed me into a cubicle and locked it
"Right listen here you rat. I like your brothers, so I need you to hook me up with them" she said
"Why would I do that for you"I said laughing and walking out the toilets
"I will humiliate you if you don't hook me up with them" she says
"Okay you humiliate me because there's no way I'm letting my brothers anywhere near you..." I say walking down the hallway, she catches up to me
"Oh you have some nerve don't you"
"Yeah I do actually unlike you" I say confidently mumbling the last bit under my breathe
"I heard you"
"Just hook me up with them please" she says on her knees
"Ugh your such a rat I'm going to humiliate you" she says
"You do that and you will see what happens" I say angrily
"What will you do?" She pronounces laughing
"Oh you will see..." I run to the field while she is behind me
I get lots of vios of her ready on my phone so I can show everyone
"Guys look I wanna show you something" before I could turn my phone around the pushes it out my hand
"Oml Keira fuck off" she says
"Why would you do that u bitch" I say picking my phone up again
"Call me a bitch again I dare you" at this point we formed a whole crowd
" bitch" I say smiling at her but before I look away she slapped me round the face which then broke into a fight everyone was recording until 2 teachers came and separated us I won obviously because her nose was bleeding and she had a black eye but idk what happened to her nose it was a bit wonky

As soon as the teachers separated us I got taken to the head teachers office while Amelia got taken by first aid. As soon as I got to the headteachers office all he said was
"I rang your brother to come get you but we will discuss what happened when Amelia is dealt with.. so come in tomorrow to see if she is here if not you need yk go back home until she is in aswell"
"Alright" I say then I walk to the main office and wait until Matt is here
                             Matty b 🫶🏻
We're outside but you in huge
                                   Alright I'm coming out now
                                                         Read 11:34

I walk outside so Matt's minivan and get in to see all three boys staring at me.
"So...our Keira having a fight? Did u win" Chris said to me whispering the last part
I laughed
"It's not a laughing matter right now your in huge trouble when you get home!" Nick said like the mother of the group be is
"But you don't even know the reason why i did it" I said rolling my eyes
"I don't care right now Keira just talk when we're home" Matt said

Skip to home
As soon as we got home I go upstairs and put my phone in charge and go to my desk and start drawing until I heard Matt on the phone to someone. I heard him say bye then she shouted for me
"I'm coming"
"Do you know what you have don't to Amelia I've just had the school on the phone saying she has gone to hospital or something your in trouble young lady" he says which I knew wasn't my fault
"W-what it's not even my fault tho it's hers"
"HOW KEIRA HOW" he said shouting again but u knew he didn't mean to he was just angry at me but soon as he shouted nick and Chris came running downstairs to hear my amazing story WHICH WAS TRUE
"Right basically at break she came up ti me and pulled me by my arm ti the toilets and told me to hook her up with you guys I said no so she said she will humiliate me but I went to the field and tried to humiliate her with a vio but before I could she smacked my phone out my hand and slapped me which broke into a fight" I say
"Oh-my you did this for us?" Chris says
"Yes because I don't want you near her she is a controlling freak" I say

Matt nick and Chris forgived me and let me go to my room again
When I got to my room I looked at my phone took it off charge and saw loads of messages from Amelia on insta which I wasn't expecting so I opened them

                             Amelia 🤢
You have no idea what you
have done to me
Your so fat
Ur only known from your
Cut urself
Hope u slice to far
Your sick Amelia sick why would you say that
Because you deserve it
and I hope you end up in
a hospital bed again and never
wake up
no one wants you here
Read 13:45

Was Amelia right?? Do I deserve it?? Am I fat?? She is sick for saying them things to me knowing that I was actually In a hospital bed. I started crying thinking of it so I looked in my bedside table to find it. I found it. I was crying so hard at this point and there it was I started harming myself again just because of Amelia

Chris POV
I was walking past Keira's room to get to my room but she I heard crying... I put my head against the wall. Yes it was her crying, I know I'm not supposed to walk in straight away but I couldn't keep hearing her like this so I opened her door to see her doing it again crying with her phone next to her. She looks at he and I look at her, I then sit down next to her and hug her, she was crying in my arms.

After about 5 minutes she calmed down and I took her to her bathroom to clean her cuts
"Do you want to talk about it?" I say concerned
She shakes her head saying no so then as soon as they were clean I left her in her room while I went downstairs to tell Matt and nick

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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