Chapter 1- Laughing

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Ryder POV:

I walk down the school's corridors, not in a rush to go grab lunch. As I walk, I observe the way the corridors are assembled. The walls are embellished with tall black lockers, grey combination locks, and posters for the school's sports team. The pandas. The corridor's lighting is from the glass chandeliers which are mounted to the ceiling. The floors are made of black and white tiling, shining from the reflection of light. 

I continue to walk until I see my boyfriend sitting on one of the school benches. He's reading a textbook for one of his classes, I assume. I walk up to him, sitting next to him. He has shorter, messy light brown hair; emerald green eyes, and pale skin. He looked up at me, beaming. 

"Hey my love," he smiled, hooking his arm around my back. "How are you doing?"

"Hi babe. I'm doing horrible. I just failed my final- I got a 43%," I grumbled, dissatisfied with myself. In journalism, we had to write a report about media law and the ethics of mass communication. It's something I'm not adequate at, but it may become crucial once I get a job as an investigative reporter. Once I graduate, of course.

Zane, my boyfriend, smiled sympathetically. "That sucks, I'm sorry. You can retake it next week I assume." He said softly, leaning over, and kissing my cheek softly. He moved a strand of hair away from covering one of my eyes. "Things will get better, I promise."

I gulp, feeling undeserving of this. Guilt floods my emotional state, but I push it down as if it never existed. "Are you sure? My grades keep getting worse and worse."

He sighed lightly. "Yes. I promise." He responded, then looked me in the eyes. "If you keep looking sad I'll end up being sad."

"Then I'll stop being sad," I smiled weakly, knowing the fakeness of it is visible. He noticed because he hooked his hands around my waist and kissed me softly on the lips. As surprised as I am, I lean into it, feeling the softness of his lips. It lasts for a few moments until he parts with me. 

"Do you feel any better?" He grinned while looking into my eyes. I think for a moment. Oh god, that was great.

I hug him tightly. "I do, actually. Thank you so muc-" I got cut off by Lennox, appearing out of nowhere. He gave me a deadly glare. He has straight yet fluffy dark brown hair; hazel eyes; and light sienna skin. "What in the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked disapprovingly, then gives me a look saying 'you have 2.5 seconds to move before I pulverize you and sell your ashes on the black market.'

I quickly pull out of the hug, because death wouldn't be a pretty look on me. We can wait until later, honey. Still got youth in this beautiful face. Zane looked up at Lennox. "Hey man. How are you doing?" He asked, standing up quickly. 

"Eh- nothing much. Just have a bunch of psychiatric essays to write about. It's super difficult," He sighed, putting a hand through his hair. "Anyways, are you ready to go? It's our free period and I was thinking of checking out the new pizza place on Andreover street."

Zane nodded. "Yeah, sure! Can Ryder come as well?"

"Hey- wait! Why do I have to be pulled into this?" I complained, crossing my arms. "I don't think Lennox wants to third-wheel a date."

"Actually, It's Len, thank you very much. And I don't want to third-wheel a date, you are correct. But you can still come along, Ryder. Anyway, Zany let's go." 

I give him a look. "Since when have you ever come up with nicknames for someone like that? It's as if you just came up with a pet name for him." I glared, standing up quickly. 

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