"new kid"

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we just started freshman year and everyone was excited. i looked at my classes and saw almost the same exact ppl from middle school in my classes except a few different boys and girls. i was hoping that dumb group of boys would finally get a different class or period then me but of course they were in all of mine. i had recently gotten a glow up over summer break so i was happy thinking at least one boy would like me or maybe i'd get a boyfriend this year! i played with my bracelet/necklace nervously and walked around looking for my class. i then looked up to see room 151, my advisory class. i nervously opened the door getting ready for embarrassment just in case i got the wrong class. i looked around and saw the group of boys and instantly knew it was the right class. i sighed with relief and walked up to the teacher. "sorry i'm late ma'am i couldn't find the room" "it's fine, sit anywhere you'd like im not gonna assign seats the first month" i just nodded and looked around. i found a seat and put my stuff down. i pulled out my phone and secretly went on it. i was scrolling through tiktok when i randomly heard a scream followed by muffled laughter. i looked up and say kyle drenched in water while stan and kenny were laughing. eric was holding a squeezed empty water bottle acting proud. i only knew there name bc of how many classes i've been in with them. i rolled my eyes since it was considered normal behavior and continued scrolling through tiktok.

"YO Y/N!" i looked up from my phone confused and saw butters. "is that you y/n?" "mhm??" "you look so fuc- uh different!" "oh thank you!" i said fixing my posture. "you took really good care of yourself over summer break" "mhm thanks butters!" butters was like a on and off best friend since we usually get a lot of classes. "oh yeah i got all my classes with you this year!" "wait seriously?" i said looking back at my schedule. "yup!" "cool!" he then sat next to me and put all his stuff on the floor.

i was walking down the hallway when i got hit on the neck by a paper ball. "be careful dumb ass you hit that girl!" "yo uh sorry um...what's your name?" pi just stared at him and the group of boys behind him walking to lunch. "y/n" i said inpatient already wanting to get my lunch. "oh and i'm kenny you must be new~?" "no i've actually been here since elementary school" "oh seriously?" "mhm" "well you look fine asf i've been wondering if you would like you'd look to go out with me?" "sorry no" his eyes widened a little confused but shocked since he usually never gets turned down. "why?" "i'm just not interested sorry" "bu-" i just walked away and went with butters.

"oh hey y/n!" "hey butters!" "quick questions how many chicks have kenny bang?" "well uh probably quite a few but i'd say most likely over 30!" "god damn" i mumbled while grabbing an apple. "well uh see you later in class bye butters!" "bye!" he walked away happily just like in elementary school. i looked around the cafeteria and saw the girls table. they looked at me whispering but quickly shut up when i passed by them. i felt disgust form on my face i honestly hated people who gossip abt people they barely talked too or even know. "hey new girl!" i continued walking thinking they were talking to someone else since i'm not new. "hello i know you hear me!" i slighting turned around and they waved at me. "what?" "come sit with us!" i was confused since they never talked too me the whole time i lived here. "uhm okay" i said hesitantly. i sat down next to heidi and bebe. "so would you like us to introduce you to anyone?" "well because your new and maybe a boy catches your eye~?" she said teasingly. "im not new?" "wait what??" "i've been here since elementary school" "oh wait what's your name again?" "y/n l/n" "OHHH your y/n l/n?!" "yeah?" "you look way different great glow up girly!" "mhm" i said bored while eating carrots. they just continued talking together and gossiping about other random girls.

i was putting my stuff away in the locker when i randomly got tapped on the shoulder. "hey~" "what do you want kenny?" "too take you out duh my love" "don't call me that and im not going out with you" "why not?" "are you seriously asking why?" i said closing my locker. "well yeah" "first we never talked and idrc about you" "watch trust me i'll have you falling for me in a week" "and what if i don't?" "then uh idk i'll just give up i guess?" "good" i said walking away into class. he quickly caught up with me and walked with me. "wait up for me my love~" "i said stop calling me that dumb ass" "i know you like it" he said nudging my shoulder jokingly. i rolled my eyes and shoved him back and walked inside the classroom. "why so grumpy babe?" "quit calling me that weirdo" "your late!" "so-" "yeah we know" i looked at kenny and his idiotic face and pushed him. "sorry ma'am he's just really uh sarcastic" "just don't let it happen again" i nodded and kenny just smiled and went back with his friend group. butters waved at me and walked up to me. "hey y/n!" "hey butters" "so i saw you and kenny walking with each other, did he already get to you?" "wdym no i don't wanna date him he's a weirdo" "oh jeez no girl has said that about him since yk they fall for him before they can even realize how dumb he is" "trust me i'm not like other- oh that sounds weird but uhm trust me i won't fall for him" "okay good you don't deserve him your literally the prettiest girl in this class!" "yeah right but thanks for the compliment" "no seriously! at lunch when i told the boys abt you they said you looked fine asf well besides yk the taken boys since they knew their gf has 'camera' on them everywhere" "yeah good i don't like boys who are taken and call other girls cute or hot even if it's me they're calling that" "yeah i understand, i don't like girls that go around calling guys cute when they're dating someone" "mhm" i sighed and relaxed while the teacher started the lesson.

DONE. ik i promised to write a lot over spring break but once i read another kenny story or something that inspires me to write more i'll be like a writing machine 😭.

anyways hope your having a good day since it's raining hard asf and i'm getting like 5 amber alrerts each minute abt a flood so maybe i'll die idk 💀

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