Chapter One

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LILY HES HERE RUN TAKE THE TWINS I'll HOLD HIM OFF! Yelled James Potter.Lily took those words to heart as she ran up the steps thinking it may be his last.When she got to their rooms she put  a baby with Blonde Hair and a fat body In a crib tagged "Evan" And put a thinner baby with black hair  In a crib tagged" Hadrain".

Just when she did she heard a scream from her husband,thinking he was dead shes obbed quietly.The door burst open Revling Voldemort The Noseless with his wand at the ready pointing it at her.Before she even moved an inch he yelled "GLACIUS" he had only gone there for the chilrden.He looked at the fat little blondehair boy who was crying loundly,The Dark Lord could not take it anymore Raised his wand and Muttered "Silenco".(I think thats how you spell it) The boy made no noise.

He moved on to the second boy who was Thinner and had more powerful Magic with Black hair and instead of crying stared at with green eyes him and said"Yes you will be my downfall" But then the Dark Lord had an idea,he Wipped out his wand and said "Oblivate" Carefully he toook mermories of The Potters being Goods and replaced Them  with Bad mermories then put some saying he was the father .Then He Apparated Out if the building with the boy in tow.Before he left he did sectumsepmra on Evan then Vular sanentur so he had a scar all part of his plan

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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