Imagine... It's Christmas With him

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*Some context. You're dating and you live together in this one.*

I woke up that morning to the sun shining through the curtains. I sat up in the bed and stretched my arms out and yawned. I rubbed my eyes as they tried to adjust to the lighting in the room. I looked over to the right side of the bed where normally my boyfriend was sleeping soundly but today he wasn't there.

Confused, I looked around the room to see if he was anywhere around. He wasn't there.

I pulled the covers back and climbed out of bed. I walked out of the bedroom and down the upstairs hallway to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror and looked at my messy hair and red marks on my face from my deep sleep.

"I suppose I should clean myself up a bit," I said to myself.

I shut the door and started to get somewhat ready for the morning. I fixed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I'll deal with it later after I shower. Then, I grabbed my light blue toothbrush and the toothpaste, putting a nice glob on the brush. I brushed my teeth and smiled in the mirror. Good enough.

I opened the door back up and walked down the hallway and made my way down the stairs to try to find Jamie.

As soon as I reached the bottom, I was hit with the smell of pancakes and bacon. I smiled and walked around the corner to the kitchen and there he was. Jamie was standing there, spatula in one hand and a pan in the other, playing music quietly from the alexa. He was singing Girl On Fire in a girly high pitched voice. He's an amazing singer when he wants to be, just not when it comes to girly songs.

"Having fun there?" I said, smirking.

He jumped slightly and slowly turned around like a guilty child.

"Hey love, I didn't see you there," he replied. A small smile spread across his face.

"You were too busy singing your heart out to notice me."

"Oh, you heard that huh?"

"The neighbors could probably hear you."

I laughed as I walked up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his back as he continued to cook pancakes. He turned his head slightly to look at me and he slightly smirked.

"Merry Christmas honey," he said, facing the pancakes again.

"Merry Christmas to you too," I replied. I let go of his torso and stepped back so he could finish cooking without me being in the way.

I walked around the counter and sat at one of the bar stools, watching him finish up our breakfast. This was something he often did. He was always the chef of our relationship and I didn't mind that at all. I think if I cooked a meal like him, I'd burn the house down.

"Does hot chocolate sound good to you?" Jamie asked.

"Ooo yess," I replied happily.

"Wanna make some?"

"Of course."

I moved from the bar stool and walked over to the cupboard to grab a couple of k cups for the Keurig and a couple of mugs, Christmas themed of course. Then, I walked over to the counter opposite of Jamie, popped a k cup into the Keurig, placed a Santa cup under the machine, and pressed the on button. I waited as the machine boiled the water then I pressed the correct cup size and watched the hot chocolate fall into the cup.

"Do you want any marshmallows?" I asked Jamie.

"Hmmm sure," he replied after thinking for a second.

I walked back over to the cupboard and grabbed the bag of mini marshmallows and brought them back over to the Keurig. I removed the Santa cup from the machine, placed a few marshmallows in the cup, then placed a snowman cup under the machine to make my hot chocolate.

"Breakfast should be done any minute now," Jamie said as he placed a pancake on a plate. There were two plates on the counter, one for each of us. There were bacon, eggs, homefries, and mini pancakes placed on each plate.

I pulled my cup from the machine and placed mini marshmallows in it. Then, I grabbed both of our cups and walked around the counter to the kitchen table.

I looked around our house while I waited for Jamie to be done with breakfast. Our house was completely decorated. There was garland wrapped around the posts, the stair railing, and certain sections of the wall. We had a medium sized tree set up in the living room that was decorated with colorful bulbs, garland, and other decorations. We had two different stockings hung, one dark blue for Jamie and the other light blue for myself. Our house was ready for today.

Jamie walked from the kitchen with both hands in his hand and he set one down in front of me and the other across from me at his spot. Both of us sat down and immediately started to eat. It was so delicious as always.

We enjoyed our meal and had some small talk. It was just going to be us today without any family. We saw my family last night and we're leaving to go to London to see his family tomorrow. We just wanted today to spend time together.

After we finished, Jamie grabbed both of our plates and brought them over to the kitchen sink. He rinsed them off and then placed them in the dishwasher.

"Ready to open gifts?" He asked, walking back into the dining room.

"You know it," I said with a smile.

We walked from the dining room into the living room, which was right next to it, and sat down on the floor in front of the tree like children. The left side of the tree had Jamie's gifts from me and the right side of the tree had my gifts for Jamie.

"Do you want to open them at the same time or do you want to alternate?" I asked.

"We can alternate. We have all the time to ourselves today," he replied.

"Perfect. You can go first."

Jamie grabbed a small box from the front of his pile and began to open it. Inside was a pack of guitar picks since he was constantly losing his.

"I really needed these. I think I somehow lost my last one the other day," he said, laughing. "Your turn."

I grabbed a very small box that was placed on top of the rest of the gifts. I slowly tore the Christmas paper off and then opened the tiny white box. On the inside was a pair of earrings. They were very small and simple.

"I remembered you said you wanted a new pair. I know they're not that big or anything but you're a very simple person so I figured you'd like those," he stated.

"I absolutely love these. Thank you, honey," I replied.

After that, we each took turns opening each other's gifts.

Besides the guitar picks, I got Jamie a dish to hold the picks, a couple of new sweaters and shirts, some parts for his camera, some film equipment for his youtube channel, and some necessities like deodorant and his favorite cologne.

Besides the earrings, Jamie got me some clothes that I mentioned I liked at a few different stores (we won't tell him I noticed him write it in his notes app. He tried to be sneaky about it), some skincare products, a cute Christmas blanket that had cats and dogs on it, some merchandise from my favorite series, a necklace with the letter "J" on it, and a few necessities like perfume and body wash.

Each of us now had a pile of gifts and bright smiles on our faces. Jamie stood up and held his hand out so he could pull me up off of the floor. I took his hand and he lifted me up and pulled me into a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and we both stood there for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence.

After a little while, we pulled away and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

For the rest of the day, we sat cuddled up together under a blanket and watched classic Christmas movies. We watched Frosty, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Grinch, and many, many others.

We baked Christmas cookies and decorated them. Of course, Jamie made a mess with the frosting and even put some on my face on purpose. It's like I'm dating a child.

It was an amazing Christmas in my opinion and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. 

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