Buck's House

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Chanel pov

Today i was very bored, so i annoyed Buck until he agreed to show me his house, he warned me he has roommate's that can be ass's, but i have a fat one so its all good.

"Im so excited" I smiled clapping, as he chuckled unlocking the door.

"Jamie, this is our roommate, Buck. Hes a fireman. And the hot one dont know her" he said as i smiled waving.

"Chanel, Doctor" I said as Buck grabbed my arm pulling me away.

"Ok" I said waving goodbye, as we walking into the dining room, there were pizza boxes and red solo cups everywhere.

"Ill be right back" he said as his phone went off, and he walked away going to call someone.

"Well, thanks for leaving me alone" i said walking back over and sitting at the kitchen table.

One of this roommates came into the kitchen grabbing a pizza, as i scrunched my nose in disgust.

"That looks... not fresh" I said putting my chin in my hands.

"It isn't" he shrugged as Buck came back into the kitchen.

"hey, i have to go do something. A friend of mine's mom went missing, i have to go" he said putting his jacket on.

"Um, what do you expect me to do?" i asked standing up.

"I-i dont know" he said leaving, as i scoffed going over and opening the door.

"Asshole!" I yelled slamming the door.

"Shit, sorry for slamming your door" I smiled apologetically turning around as he smiled at me.

"Its cool" He said.

And now we were in his bedroom making out, he placed his hands on my waist as i put mine around his neck playing with his hair.

He took my jacket off slowly moving to my neck, as i moaned moving my head to the side giving him more access.

I moved my hands down taking his shirt off before i started kissing his neck before going back to his lips, as he broke the kiss taking my shirt off.

"So hot" he mumbled placing his hands on my waist slowly moving me back and forth.

I bit my lip resting my head on his shoulder, as he unhooked my bra before throwing it somewhere as i laughed when he flipped us over he was now on top.

"hey come on, party time!" Someone yelled banging on his door as he groaned.

"Fuck off!" he yelled before going back to kissing me.

"Come on, man!" they yelled opening his door as i grabbed the blanket next to me covering my self with it.

"Ah, Buck's hot doctor friend nice" his roommate said leaving.

"what the fuck" I said before we both began to laugh, I got up going over and grabbing my bra and shirt putting it back on.

"Come here" he said as i smiled sitting next to him, he kissed my once more, before i smiled getting up.

"Walk me out?" i asked as he nodded getting up.

He grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers, as we walked downstairs.

"Bye" he said kissing me.

"Bye" i smiled kissing him once more, before leaving and going to my car.

"what the fuck did i just do" I said to myself driving home.

"Look whos finally home" Jasper said as soon as i opened the door.

"Meee. did you miss me" i asked smiling at him.

"Nah" he said as i rolled my eyes flicking his forehead.

"Asshole" i said walking into the kitchen as he followed me.

"Hickey hickey" he sing sang pointing at my neck as i threw a grape at him.

"Fuck off" i said eating some more grapes.

"Who was it" he asked as i sighed rolling my eyes.

"A friend" i said shortly, going into the living room as Jasper followed me once more.

"More like a fucking vampire" he snorted as i groaned sitting on the coach.

He snorted, as i laughed grabbing my phone as it went off.


"hey, im so sorry for leaving you-" i recognized as Buck as i groaned hanging up.

"Whats wrong"

"This dude from my dads work, i annoyed him so badly he brought me to  his house, not even 5 minutes later he left me and i hook up with his roommate" I explained as he gasped looking at me.

"Cha Fucking Nel!" he yelled as i laughed looking at him.

"What? he left me alone with some people i didn't know. I dont know what came over me" i shrugged laying my head on his shoulder.



Chanel Nash was at her best friend's house not realizing her mom and dad were fighting.

She laughed going over and hugging her friend Kennedy.

"Wait, my phone" she giggled going over and answering her phone.

"Hello?" she asked calming down from her laughing fit.

"Im so sorry" someone said crying as Chanel looked up confused.

"whos this?" she asked confused.

"Im so sorry, C. You mom, Bobby and Brooke are gone. there was a fire" her dad said as she dropped the phone falling to teh floor and crying.

She cried as Kennedy ran over to her confused "woah, woah. what's wrong" Kennedy asked kneeling down and looking at her.

"there-there gone" she stuttered gasping for air.

"There gone" she cried as Kennedy held onto her crying friend.

"They arent coming back" she cried as Kennedy grabbed the phone off of the floor.

"What happened"

"there was a fire in the building, Her mom, bobby and Brooke are gone" her dad explained guilt laying heavily on his chest.

Kennedy gasped placing the phone down and hugging Chanel "oh baby" she said pulling her closer.

"there gone, and i wasn't even there to say goodbye. Our last talk was an argument" she cried holding into Kennedy as if she was going to disappear.

"Baby, im so sorry" Kennedy said grabbing both side of her face and putting their foreheads together.

"Im never goin to leave you, okay?" Kennedy said as Chanel nodded slowly calming down.

"Good, calm down" Kennedy said rubbing her back

I love you and I'm not leaving" She repeated, Chanel believer her, she shouldn't have.

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