Chapter One

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Hele opened her eyes, watching the ceiling fan above her. Tearing her gaze away from it she sat up to look around. She was in her bedroom, having no idea how she had gotten there. Slipping off her small bed she walked over to her vanity, looking at herself in the mirror.

            The reflection of her light blue eyes stared back at her, holding a distant sadness in them. Her tiny pale face was framed by her long black and orange hair. Not a single strand was out of place like it usually was after she would be laying down for a long time. It confused her.

            Turning away from the vanity she walked to the door her bedroom, opening it and stepping out into the hall. She could hear the faint sound of the TV coming from downstairs. It was the only thing she could hear.

            Her feet made no noise as she walked down the carpeted hall and stairs. Stepping off the last step she looked over at the couch. Her mother was sitting there in the dark, staring at the TV without really seeing it.

            “Mom?” Hele called out softly, trying not to startle her.

            She didn’t move nor respond, it was like she hadn’t even heard her. Inching towards her, she made her way around the couch. Sadness washed over her when she saw her mother’s face. Her eyes were red and slightly swollen from crying, it looked like she would start crying again at any moment.

            “Mom?” She repeated, sitting down next to her. “Mom, what’s wrong?” She reached out to take her mother’s hand. Before she could even touch her, her mother seemed to snap out of her daze, pulling her arms around her body. Standing up, she walked from the living room and into the kitchen, ignoring her daughter.

            She stared at the empty spot on the couch, trying to think about what could possibly make her mother be like this. Looking away from the couch she turned her gaze to the coffee table, seeing that it was covered in newspaper clippings and letters that she saw were written in her father’s hand writing.

            Growing confused and wanting answers she turned off the TV and stood up, turning to go to the kitchen. Her mother stood there in the entrance, a cup of hot tea in her hands. She was staring at the TV with large eyes, her hands shaking a little.

            “H… Hello?” She called out, scanning the dark room, “Is someone there?”

            Hele frowned, stepping in front of her, “Mom, it’s me.” She studied her face while she was still looking around the room, “I’m right in front of you!” She shouted, “Mom!”

            Her mother relaxed, stepping forward, and through her daughter. Hele gasped in shock, her body turning to smoke in the places her mother had gone through her, and then became solid again. Her breathing became quick, erratic, as she looked over her shoulder to see her mother go back to the couch, having not been affected.

            “What… What is happening to me…?” She whispered to herself while fear, confusion, and panic were growing inside her like a virus that had no cure.

            Rushing to her mother’s side, she reached out to touch her only for her hand to go through her with each attempt. Tears shimmered in her eyes as she grew more frantic.

            “Mom!” She shouted as loud as she could with tears running down her face. “Please…” She sat on her heels, staring at her with pleading eyes, “I’m right here… Mom… I’m right in front of you…”

            She stayed like that, staring at her mother for what felt like forever. A knock at the front door startled them both, their gazes turning to the door. Putting her tea down her mother stood up and walked to the door. Reaching out with a shaky hand, she pulled the door open. Her father stood on the other side.

            He looked just as bad, like he’d been crying for days with no sleep. He wore a black suite that was wrinkled, making him look even more tired. In his hands he held a bouquet of white orchids, Hele’s favorite flowers.

            Hele slowly stood; “Daddy…” her voice was shaky and barely audible.

                        He smiled sadly at her mother, reaching a hand out to her, “C’mon Nina, it’s time.”

            Her mother’s lower lip quivered as she held back the pain, “I… I can’t. I can’t do this…”

            “I know it’s hard, but you need to be there.” His eyes hardened, hiding his own pain.

            She looked away from him, “As long as I stay in this house… And don’t see them take her away from me…” A tear rolled down the side of her face, “It feels like… She is still here… But if I go… Then it will be real, and she will be gone… Forever...” She looked at him with teary eyes, “But I know, that I have let her go.” She stepped out, leaving with him, leaving Hele alone in the dark house.

            The shock over what just happened faded when she heard the sound of the car being started. Running around the couch, she rushed to the door, and threw it open.

            “Don’t leave me!” She screamed at them, watching as they backed out of the drive, “Mom! Dad!” Moving to take a step out, she stopped mid-step.

            The fear she had grew strong, her foot hanging in the air outside the door. Her whole body was screaming for her to not do it. That if she were to leave the house, she would never be able to return. Fighting back the tears she slammed the door shut on the world outside, the world that had no idea she was still there.

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