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Chanel pov

Me and Ari were driving around when we got paged "Respond to 800 Comstock Ave. TA into power pole. High voltage down in swimming pool. Three-year-old child trapped" they said over the radio.

"Ari and Chanel can be there in 5 for doctors" she said into it, as i turned the car around making my way there.

"If you have to you're gonna go in, aren't you?" Ari asked as i laughed.

"Who knows, babe, who knows" I smiled at her once we arrived.

There were three guys trying to lift up a motorcycle, and a truck crashed into a tree taking down power lines with him.

"You guys okay" Ari asked looking at them once a Jeep pulled up, Evan Buckleys Jeep. that bitch.

He got out along with a girl with red hair.

"Hey, woah" I said going over to him as Buck ran over taking him.

"Help! Somebody help!" Someone yelled as Ari looked at me before we ran over to where she was yelling.

"Oh my fucking god" Ari said once we arrived to see a baby in fact stuck on a pool float in the middle of the pool.

"Please help me, please" the mom said running over to us as Ari looked at her.

"There's a powerline fell into the pool, and Alex jumped in to try to save the baby" She said as i looked over to see someone else floating in the pool.

"Okay, okay" I said taking off my jewelry and anything metal i had.

"C, what the hell are you doing" Ari said grabbing my arm.

"Ari, those are kids right, im older blah blah i can handle it enough to grab the baby and then get out and grab Alex" i said looking at her as Buck and the girl ran back here.

"Is Alex your husband" Ari asked as she shook her head.

"No, hes the manny" she said as i nodded looking at her.

"Mama" the girl cried.

"Okay, everyone shut up, okay give me like 5 towels" I said as she nodded running over grabbing a bunch of towels.

I grabbed them putting them all over my hands before walking over to where the power line was in the pool.

"Chanel, what are you doing!" Buck yelled as i ignored him.

"One, two three" i said to myself grabbing the power line as i winced feeling something burn me as i threw it somewhere.

"Oh fucking fuck" I yelled seeing it burnt through the towels and burnt me.

"Ok" I said taking my shoes off going over closest to the girl.

"you cant go in there" the red head said as i waved her off.

"Look, i already took it out, already got burned im fine" I shrugged as Ari gave me a hair tie and i put my hair up.

"Chanel, you cant"

"shut up, the fucking floaty is losing air its not gonna hold until other people get here" I yelled looking at him.

"think about your siblings" he yelled as i looked at him, before turning back to the girl.

"Chanel, those are 5,000 volts going in, if you touch it you're dead" He yelled as i rolled my eyes.

"I have a better chance of getting to her before that, if she even goes near it, puts a finger in it shes dead. So just shut up" I said.

"C, you have like not even 10 seconds to get her and get out, i dont think you should" Ari said looking at me as i sighed, she doesn't know about Brook, Bobby and my mom dying in the fire.

"You guys you wouldnt understand okay, i cant sit here and wait" I said looking at mainly Ari.

"Look, if you just hold my hand i could reach her" i said as Ari nodded chewing on her lip.

"I swear if you fall you get out right away" she said looking at me as i nodded.

"I swear i will" I said as she smiled kissing my forehead.

"here, let me" Buck said as i shook my head.

"Maybe, he should i mean hes stronger than me, he can do it" Ari said as i sighed rolling my eyes.

"Fine whatever" I said going to the edge as he grabbed my arm.

"Okay, look can you reach my hand" I asked as she slowly put her hand out to grab mine.

"Good, that is so good. I'm gonna hurriedly grab you, okay?" I said as she looked at me.

"It'll be so fast, okay but we're gonna get out of the pool" I said as she nodded.

"Okay, one two three" I said before pulling her back as Buck pulled me as we all went falling into the grass on one another

I was laying on Buck, as she was laying on me, her mom ran over grabbing her, as I got off of Buck.

Ari smiled running over and hugging me "that was hot" she said giving my my jewelry and shoes as i rolled my eyes smiling.

"Lets go?" She asked as i smiled nodding.

"Wait, Chanel" Buck said jogging towards us as i sighed.


"That was dumb, you could of died" He said looking at me as Ari slowly backed away.

"But i didnt, and she got out safe and sound" I said trying to walk away as he grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"Look at your hand, Chanel. If you would of went in there that could be your whole body" he said as i looked down to see my hand burnt.

"Okay, i was having a blonde moment and grabbed the pole, that was my bad. If i would of went in there i would of had less than 10 seconds to grab her and get out. I would of rather saved her than myself" i said yanking my hand away from him.

"The power was cut, we're all clear" More firefighters said coming into the back.

"Thanks" i smiled at them, as the read head came over and i began to walk away.

"We're gonna talk about this later!" he yelled as i flipped him off.

"no we're not dad!" I yelled going over to Ari and getting into the car.

"you like him" she said as i looked at her confused starting the car.

"Yeah, no" i said driving off.

"you like him" she sing sang doing a little dance as i rolled my eyes.

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