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' trampolines and bonfires '

it was now five in the evening, the group was still at the trampoline park, having the time of their lifes, they all had a couple fans come up but were very respectful towards all of them

Divany felt bad because Joao flew all the way from Portugal but she was spending most of her time with Pablo, Joao reassured it was completely fine and even said "i could see y'all together, dont let me stop you from finding your husband" Joao said as a joke as the girl blushed before jokingly punching his arm

the two promising to spend tomorrow together just the two of them before Divany returned back to Pablo

they were now laying down next to eachother on one of the many trampoline's around them

"Aurora seems so sweet" Divany said after Pablo had concluded talking about her

"shes a big fan of yours, as am i" Pablo said causing the girl to look at him, noticing she was no longer looking at the ceiling with him, he looked at her, meeting her eyes as a smile broke out on his face
"what?" he said as heat rushed to his cheeks
"youre a fan of me?" she asked teasingly as Pablo chuckled
"of course, you're incredibly talented vany" Pablo said as the nickname just rolled off his tongue

"i like that nickname" she said looking back at the ceiling, hoping the boy didnt notice the blush on her face, but he did

"yeah and i only i call you that okay?" he said jokingly but also seriously as he held out his pinky to her in the air
"pinky promise" she agreed


"okay come on lets go home i wanna do a campfire" Joao said causing everyone to stand up, Pablo standing up first and offering his hand to Divany, which she gladly took as they made their way out of the trampoline park
"jesus what time is it?" Davi said as they made it outside, it was already dark, Ale grabbed his phone checking the time
"uhhh, its 8:09 right now" He said in shock as everyone pulled a face to show how shocked they were for spending their entire day at the park

"okay we can order take out so right now so it wont take long to get to the house once we get there, are yall gonna sleep over?" Pedri said, diverting his question to the four boys and girl
"if they're down im down" Divany shrugged motioning towards Joao and Davi, after all Joao was staying at her house

"yeah im down" Joao said as Davi nodded
"Joao is staying at your house?" Gavi asked, a hint of jealousy stirring in his chest
"yeah! why have him pay for a hotel when i have three perfect guest rooms he can use you know?" she said as they got into Pedris car, arranged in their same seating as before but except Divany was now in the front, and Ale took her place

"okay what are we ordering?" Divany spoke as she got out her phone, facing her body to lean against the car door as she faced all the boys

"burgers sound so good right now" Davi said as Joao immediately jumped onto the idea
"is that okay with everyone? burgers?" Divany said looking at everyone for confirmation, which she got so she quickly placed everyone's order, the food should arrive at pedris in twenty minutes and they were about five minutes from his.


"god i have a food baby" Davi groaned as he slumped down into one of the chairs surrounding Pedris little bon fire in his backyard, they had just finished eating dinner  "me too bookie, me too" Ale said with a frown, sitting into the seat next to Davi

Pablo and Divany were in their own world as they sat in a two seater chair, Divany criss cross apple sauce as she faced Pablo, him doing the exact same, they had hit it off the moment they met, everyone in the friend group noticed it.

they were simply enchanted with eachother.

ecstasyluvs talks !
short chapter today..
expect a time jump in the next chapter 🫣

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