Wanderer/ Scaramouche x Reader 🥀

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Original idea from @ fruityvegetable over on Tumblr!

* Ok but imagine a fanfic w/ fatui recruit reader who has a big, fat, highschool level crush on scara. Scaramouche being him is obviously disgusted by this and pushes the reader away but they never really got the hint. He soon realizes that they'd do whatever he wants without question (besides leaving him ofc). So he plays in. Leaning into their affection to get some other selfish motive he has. Reader is ofc estatic thats scara has finally 'accepted' their love.*

This is what happened after the reader heard Scara talking with the other harbingers about how he's only using the reader for his own ideals. That's my shortened version, for more detail you can check out the Fruityvegetables account!! They repost some funny and cute pics too, so go on over to them!!


"Send for (y/n)! Now!" The indigo haired man yelled at a subordinate. Wasting no time the fatui agent scurried away to summon you.

You walked into his office with a blank expression, "Yes my lord" you said with a bow, not looking up til he spoke again. He was agitated, as per usual, though this time he had a reason. Since when had you become so monotone? Where was the annoying, energetic, loud person he hated so much. He paid no mind to it as you may have just woken up or something?? Yeah, that's probably it.

"Tch, I have a mission for you." You rose your head to see his cheek in his palm, elbow resting on his desk, eyes opening to look at you. He readjusted his form to sit in a more intimidating manner. Finally seeing your face he came to the conclusion you were most definitely tired. Eyes droopy, bags under them, an overall mood change, you even looked as though you were crying, but what for? He was worried, but him being him, he decided to just not care.

You only stood there, arms at your side, awaiting your order. The more he looked at you the more he wonders what has you in such a state, though your just a pawn in his game, he shouldn't he caring this much.

"I need you to go to X location and oversee that the items are getting safely transported to Y location" His eyes never leaving your figure, waiting to see your reaction. How he hoped you would say your normal "Of coarse my lord! How kind of you to allow me to watch over goods of yours!!<<333" or something along those lines. That never happened and much to his dismay you replied with "Yes Sir Balladeer, also I must inform you-" he cut you off "I swear if it's some dumb shit I'm going to kill you" He said, expecting this whole thing to be some sort of joke. How wrong he was "Ahem, as I was saying. I must inform you that I have requested to be transferred to Lord Tartaglia."

With that, something inside him snapped. Childe!? Out of all, you chose Childe! Plus you were his! Ahem, his subordinate of course. How could you just choose to leave out of the blue. Barely any warning to go with it, he was prepared to destroy whatever or whoever led you to this decision. "WHAT? WHY! HAVE YOU NO SENSE, ARE YOU THAT STUPID. LEAVING ME?? DO YOU REALLY HAVE A DEATH WISH?!?!!" Yes, he's been angry, that's basically his whole personality, but this was different. He was angry, jealous, confused, sad all in one.

"My lord, you should already know why I'm leaving. You yourself said I would eventually no longer be of use to you. I'll take my leave now." He was perplexed, he said what? Then it all clicked. You heard him. You heard everything he said. Just then he felt everything come crashing down. He was lucky you closed his door, he began.... Crying?

Tears were forming, his eyes wide, unable to process what was going on. Why was he acting this way, for some random person he could easily replace. He could live his life without you anyday, you were annoying anyway. The more he sat and pondered, the more tears flowed, the more he finally realized. He loved you. You weren't someone he could replace, no one in this world could ever truly love him as you did. You had no reason to love him for this long, he gave no reason, yet you still did. He realized he can't live without you, you were apart of his routine.

Now you were leaving? He thought 'Just like everyone else' but he realized once again, it was his fault.

He couldn't bare letting you leave. He rose from his seat, hat covering his face as tears fell, then he ran. Ran til he arrived at your room, not wasting a second to open the door. He looked up, teary eyed, only for them to be left open in shock. Was this the right room, he checked again, yup it was the right one. But where were you, the room was surprisingly empty. Had you planned this. He said it only a day ago, how were you this quick. The tears were uncontrollable at this point. "No, nononono no no no" he chanted.

He walked into the room, noticing a paper on your bed. "I will be leaving as soon as possible, it wasn't Tartaglia I was transferring over to. I'm not actually transferring over to anyone, I'm leaving the fatui, disappearing completely. It'll be hard seeing as everyone will be hunting me down as a traitor of the fatui. But I cannot bare the thought of someone I loved treat me as a mere peice to a puzzle and I know you will never love me the way I did you. I'm sorry my lord...... My love. " With that he searched the entire building, with you nowhere to be seen.

If only he realized his love for you sooner, maybe he could've prevented this. You were the only one to truly see him as a person, someone to be loved, cherished, admired. And he just threw you away. He deserved it, though it won't stop him from searching for you. He needs you back in his life. His new life, as a Wanderer. He's changed, changed for you, and he won't stop searching until he can live his life with you.


It probably got boring at the end. But I'm still proud of it! Hope you enjoyed reading this!! Please leave requests for me!! This was completely copy and pasted off my Tumblr account so don't worry I didn't steal it from anyone.

Have a great morning, evening or night!! ☀️🌙🌅

(Posted on Wed/26/04/23)
(Last edited on Wed/26/04/23)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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