Loose screw.

7 0 0

He didn't know what to do. All he could look at was the pretty face of Tweek Tweak.

~Craig's POV:~                                                                                                                                                                     I got slightly interrupted. "Drugs are bad, mka-- Mr. Tucker if I have to speak to you again, I will be calling home." He said viciously towards me, then, I just flipped him off quietly as I continued to look at Tweek, who was now looking back at me. I blushed quickly and looked away. Sometimes, I can't believe I fell for an idiot like that. 

I quickly got up as the bell rung, and went over to Tweek, who was still somehow collecting his things. I picked up his bag, putting it over my shoulders as well as mine. He softly sighed. "Thanks, Craig. You know, EUGHH-- You don't have to be so god damn nice to me all the time." He twitches a bit as I smile lightly, something I haven't done in a long time, only with him. "Look, I want to be nice because you're my best friend." I say softly, as I mumble something along the lines of "always could be more". I blushed at the thought of it. "What did you NGHH-- say?" 

He said so beautifully that I could practically melt any minute. I just really wanted to hug him, but I couldn't seem like an idiot. Instead, he hugged me. I took a minute to soak all this time in. I wrapped my arms around his little waist gently, resting my head on his beautiful blonde hair. "Let's go home?" He said quietly, almost pulling away from the hug, but then stays. "Mhmm.." I say as I pull away from the long embrace.

We just look at each other, then I grab onto his hand, practically dragging him out of the classroom and into the somehow still crowded hallway. We bumped into a few people which made Tweek go nuts, wanting to apologize, but I dragged him along until we got up to the front of the school. We waited there for a good ten minutes until his dad came to pick him up and my mom and sister were there to pick me up. "So, Tweekers. This is goodbye, forever...?" I said dramatically. "Sadly, Sir Craig. Though thy has been disappointed, thy shall forever be intertwined with such passion and love forever with you by my side." We both laughed. His laugh was precious. I could listen to him laugh for hours. 

I went over to him, hugging him tightly as we then both walked out, holding hands per usual. We hugged one last time to go our separate ways. I craved touch so much I could probably run back to him. I looked at my sister who had to move to the back seat so I could get in the front. She whined. "Shut up Tricia." Me and my mom both said as we flipped her off, her returning the gesture as well. "How was school?" My mother asked happily. I just nodded, only having Tweek on my mind. I quickly texted him: (The messages down below)


                                                                                                              Me: Hey Tweekers, I sorta miss you. 

Tweekers❤️💕: I miss you too, Craig. You seemed so happy.

 Why? Not that it matters!! Sorry I know this sounds stupid!!

too much pressure!

                                                                                                                  Me: Tweek, calm down. I was happy  

                                                                                              because it's just been a good day, if I say so myself.

Tweekers❤️💕: That's good. :)  

                                                                                                                     Me: Yeah, I guess it is. <3

                                                                                                                           Read at 3:47 pm 

I sigh as I stare at the little message that states: "Read at 3:47 pm". I wish I could just talk to him all the time. I know I sound crazy but man, the things you do for love. We've always pretended we were dating for the sake of our school. It was awkward at first, but got a little better, but now that I've caught actual feelings, I've been trying to avoid him. Which isn't working because I see him all the time. Every class. We had our classes switched to be with each other, to make this situation more 'Realistic' to the fangirls we have.

Sometimes, high school can be pretty hard for us. Especially with Eric Cartman around. Always making silly jokes about gay people that only he finds funny. No one cares for him anymore. It's like everything changed after middle school. I'm pretty happy about that, though. "Craig, we're home." My mom said as she unlocked the car. I quickly got out, opening the front door with my key, taking it out and running upstairs. I turn on my TV, only to see my favorite show, Red Racer. I feel like a little kid. My room has red racer pictures and figures all over, with light up stars on the celling and NASA posters in different places.

Even Legos in shape of a few space shuttles that took me forever to make, but it was fine because Tweek helped for the most part of it. I take off my hat as I sit on my bed, taking my shoes off and my hoodie, setting everything to the side as I get comfortable while laying down. I hear a pinging noise from my phone, groaning as I get it from the nightstand. I answer the phone before checking who it was. I got excited that it might be Tweek.

Anddddd, nope. It was Clyde. "Hey dude, what's up?!" He shouted into my ear. "You're so loud, you know that? Also, you interrupted my Red Racer episode, so I suggest you hang up this damn call before I beat your ass legally." That'll scare him, anything I say practically does. "Okay, Okay, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to watch it over at my place. Tweek and Tolkien are here but... I understand if you don't want to come...!" Oh my god I could even feel the smirk on his face as he said that. 

"I'll be there in five." I said as I hung up the phone before he could say another word to me. 

Authors note: Hmmmm, what will happen nextttt? Also hi guys I know nobody is reading this but I'm trying really hard to make time for my writing so I would appreciate people reading this!! I believe Clyde is the biggest Creek shipper btw. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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Bad idea. (Tweek x Craig) (based off of girl in red's 'bad idea')Where stories live. Discover now