Bad timing 💔☹️

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onesided mailey (requested)
i might make myself cry tbh..

Milly POV
Im gonna confess to Hailey tomorrow, I think theres a chance she might like me back. We're always hanging out;

"MILLY- HAHAHH GIVE IT BACK." I was holding her stuffed bear, standing on her couch. She gets on the couch and jumps ontop of me. She falls ontop of me. I blush furiously, and i think i can see red on her cheeks too. she gets off immediately and grabs the bear.

She has to like me back. She has to. So I arrive to band practice, im happy. so i arrive a bit early. What i didnt know is i would walk into this:

"Jake, I really like you." Hailey said. He walked up to her and kissed her. I stood in the doorway, and I ran away. I ran down the halls faster than ever, im crying. I run past Zander and Luke and they start running after me. I push open the door practically as fast as I ran. I run til I cant breath.

Once i stop running, purely from the fact that I could not physically breath anymore. Zander finally gets to me. "Milly whats wrong?" Luke soon after "Oh no was it the Hailey thing?" I told Luke about confessing to Hailey. "What Hailey thing?" Im sobbing, so Luke tells Zander. "She likes Hailey, Zander. She was gonna confess to her, but I tried to tell her she liked Jake."  "Oh. Milly.." He sits down next to her. "Itll be alright."

It ended up being alright, well- kind of. Hailey and Jake started dating, which sucked at first, but I got over Hailey. With the help of Luke and Zander.

Word count: 288
Im gonna write fluff next

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