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I was down in Nick's room talking to him.

" so how are you and Chris doing "

Nick said because he is very curious on how mine and Chris's relationship is going.

" it's going really good, he's been clingy but I don't really care, it doesn't bother me "

When I got saying that my phone rang. Chris was calling. Weird we are in the same house, but I answered it anyways.

" hello "

" hey, I- I need yo-u to come to my room"

" oh shit, okay I'll be there in a sec "

I then hung up opening the door before getting stop by Nick.

" what's going on "

" I think Chris is having an anxiety attack "

I said as I walked out and ran up to his room. I knocked on it to let him know I was there.

I walk in and Chris is sitting on the floor infront of his bed. I then walked over to him, kneeling infront of him. Grabbing his hand.

" I need you to breath, okay "

He nodded before looking into my eyes.

" ready, in "

I look at his chest as he breathed in.

" out "

I did that until he had calmed down. I then pulled him into a hug.

" do you want to tell me what happened for you to get an anxiety attack "

He nodded as he pulled away from the hug, and grabbing my hand.

" I'm scared that your gonna leave me for some other guy that is better than me "

He said as he wiped a tear from his eye

" oh, chris "

I said before pulling him into other hug.

" I wouldn't leave you for other guy. No one could ever make me more happy than you do. Make me laugh and smile as much as I do with you. Also to be honest if we ever broke up I don't think I would ever date anyone else ever again. You know why, because no one could ever replace you. "

I said as he smiled into my neck.

" thank you for making me feel better about myself "

" any day "

I said as he pulled away once again and gave me a kiss.

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