Life. As. It. Should. Be.

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     It started today. Kind of a boring day, but you know anyday works for a story to begin. I was sitting at my friend Bethany's kitchen table and her cat Skater was licking my feet. I hated that, but Skater was adorable so I didnt care. My other friend Audrey was sitting next to me, Tumbl-ing of course. She like to do that a lot, but so did everyone in my school. We live on peaks island, no you might now really know where that is , so all im going to say is that its the perfect place for something magical to happen. Now I know that kinda sounds cheesy, but its true! Audrey has always agreed with me on that subject. We have always sat on this lonely little island dreaming that one day everythings gonna get better and something drastic is gonna happen to change our lives. The sad thing is, we've been dreaming of that since we were like two years old. Oh yeah and guess what?!?! Absolutely nothing has happened since. 

     "Square!" Yelled Beth, switching off my day-dream mode. My friends liked to call me "Square" because I was so against shapes with corners. Just kidding, Its because I failed my freshman Geometry class last year and the only thing holding me back was those damn squares. I don't know what it was about them. They just cursed me, and now they are haunting me forever by being my nickname. 

     I sighed out loud. Then upon relizing that I did I quickly shook my head so that I would stop thinking so much.

     "Yeah?" I shouted back. She was in the kitchen and I was too lazy to walk over to her to see what she wanted.

     "Can you come help me with this for a sec?" Argh! Alright I guess I really was going to have to get up after all. I tripped over myself into the kitchen like always, I was so clumsy. When I looked to see what she needed she was stuck balancing all of the stuff that was previously in her snack cabinet  on her arms.

     "911!" She exclaimed, taking a look at the stuff in her arms and then giving me one of her looks. Somehow we always knew what the other was thinking just by certain looks we gave eachother.

     "Oh, I should probs help u with that shouldnt I?" I said sarcastically as I shot my arms out to grasp the Cheez-It's just before they fell off of her shoulder.

     "What'd I miss?" Audrey lazily in mid-yawn. She had obviously dozed off while Tumbl-ing. 

     "Oh nothing much, just A SNACK AVALANCHE!!!" Beth emphasised, putting the last box of yummy snacks back into the cubbord where it belonged. 

      "Ah! apparently nothing interesting then? Alright moving along, back to by love!" After her remark you could hear her talk to her Tumblr and asking it if it missed her. Talking to inanimate objects was one of her hobbies. 

Life. As. It. Should. Be.Where stories live. Discover now