c h a p t e r 1

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In thus fanfic, Myrecella will be 16 when she arrives


Trystane pulled his hemd over his chest and looked through the mirror at the girl behind him. Today the Lannister girl would come, and he had to meet her as his brand new fiancé. He was told she was very beautifull, but he wasn't sure if he could trust those rumours. Rumours were everywhere and everyone was a victim. He just hoped for the best of it.

He was thrown out of his thoughts when the girl behind him pulled his hemd open and slipped her hand in over his chest. He traced his finger over her soft hand with a sigh, before pushing her hand away. He put his belt around his wait so his hemd fell half close again.

His Uncle Oberyn had sent him the girl last night. Oberyn didn't like that he would marry a Lannister, and Trystane himselve wasn't really sure if he hated them so much. He understood why Oberyn hated them, they killed his sister, his aunt Elia Martell. Oberyn must have sent the girl so he won't fall in love with Myrecella. He knew her name, he always made them tell their names before he shared their beds. Sometimes he couldn't remember, but now he could. He name was Elison, but that was all he knew about her. Oberyn's plan might work but not because he and Elison slept together. More because she wasn't his type, at least what he heared of it.

"I need to go" he says and fixes his curls a bit by brushing his hand through them.

"Do you have to?" She asks and traces her hand down his arm.
It made him wonder what Oberyn payed her to do all this, because obviously Oberyn wanted him to miss his appointement to meet Myrecella, but he couldn't let his father down. Besides that, Myrecella probably didn't want this either. The least he could do for her is make her feel welcome.

"Yes" he answered simply after a while and walked out of the room, leaving her behind.


Myrecella leaned her head back against the wall of the carriage. She was close to the watergardens she could see it when she looked outside. She was wearing a dress her motger gave her. The soft fabric she remember from what she felt when she held her mother for maybe the last time. She squeezed the fabric in her hand tightly, to remember herselve to hold onto home.
Her mother had always spoken over the Martells as if they were monsters and now she made her marry one? It was confusing her a bit.

The carriage stopped and the door opened. Light streamed into her carriage and hit her golden hair. A shadow appeared making he stand up gracefully. A long boy, dark curls, He was wearing some kind of robe making his chest, and muscles, viseble to the eye. She couldn't deny it, he was handsome. Beautifull pink lips that if she didn't know better she would want to kiss. His arms we bumped with muscles, but not too much, perfect amount making him look more manly.

"My lady" his voice sound, the Dornish accent she never heared before clearly visable. He reached his hand out to hold hers and help her out. She takes her hand and steps out gracefully.
She looked up at him and tried not to blush nervously.

"My lady, welcome to Dorne, We hope your trip was comfortable" he says and let go of her hand. She wanted to reach back for her hand, but she knew better then that and held her dress instead
She clearly fell out of the boat in this place, her dress was so different from all the dresses she saw around her.
Her whole body was covered with fabric as he mother always made her wear, yet the people here were quite open about their bodies apparently.

"Lady Myrecella; I am Trystane Martell" he says and kisses her hand his eyes looking into hers.
"This is my father Prince Doran Martell" he says and looks at his father who was sitting in a wheelchair, as she heared back in Kingslanding.
"And My uncle Oberyn Martell" he says not mentioning Ellaria who was standing next to him. She knew it was her, she used to read alot at home, and she fit the desciptions she had read of her.

She courtesies deeply to all of them and glances back at Trystane. His accent was beautifull, prettier then the western accents, and northern accents.

She suddenly remembered her mother's voice, the way she used to speak of them. How they mistreated woman. But all she saw now was a gentleman.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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