Ch 1 - Those Eyes..

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In the years following the invasion Lieth had managed to evade scavenger crews and the Tephra all at once. If the human scavengers had found her, she would sell for a pretty penny being most likely that she was the only one left who survived the chemical blast years prior. That attack from her own kind sent her into depression as well as opened up new mental illness. Not only did she stop growing, but she was also completely different now, aside from the green colored tattoo she already had that snaked around her neck and shoulders. Her body remained fit with an hourglass shape, giving her a literal goddess-like figure. It also made her faster on her feet and heightened all of her senses. Her hair used to be a Scottish ginger tone, but the effects of the chemical agent used altered her root color to a natural forest green tone. She wasn't mad about the hair color change, but this genetic change made her avoid making any friends, any lovers. In fears that she would live to watch them all die centuries later, with no way to stop it. She's tried to kill herself dozens of times, but her wounds always healed. She did however still get sick, and she still suffer from allergies as well. Being alone for several years she had to train herself to fight, to be able to protect herself if and when needed. 

Now, currently hiding out inside an abandoned strip mall, Lieth used her time accordingly, to night draw attention to herself. She currently occasionally looked out of the large cracked up windows of the mall. She was wearing a black strapless crop top and black yoga pants with black converse. Part of her secretly wishing for something to happen to take her mind off of her mental ailments. Before she could leave the window and walk back to where she was sleeping for the night the sound of squealing tires caused her to freeze up. "No..." She put her hands against the window looking around the outside area before she finally saw a huge beat up uhal truck speeding up towards the mall. "NO!" She quickly ran to a closer window to get a better look. Out jumped a bunch of refugees. Luckily no scavengers. A sigh left her lips before she suddenly saw something move through the sky. Her eyes darted around the sky looking for what she saw. Her heart started racing knowing she wasn't hallucinating. *They lead something here* She thought. Her worst fear was realized after they ran into the malls base floor doors screaming to block the doors with whatever they could find. Lieth watched fearfully as 3 large black ships came into view when their shields dropped, and they began to land. "Oh... fuck me." She sneered in annoyance and fear as she grabbed her dented up metal baseball bat as well as sunglasses to hide her ember hues, then ran down towards the people who lead monsters towards her only hiding place. Putting her in danger of being found now. 

When one of the men spotted her, they threw their hands up gesturing her to lower the bat as the others looked at her worryingly. "Oh shit! Hey calm down, we had nowhere else to go, this is the safest option right now. Lower the bat ma'am!" He raised his voice a bit. "You lead them here..." She grimaced. "Again, we're sorry, are you gonna help us barricade these doors or are you just going to just stand there." He spoke as the others desperately tried to push heavy things, like vending machines in front of the doors. She knew it wasn't going to work and shook her head. "Regardless of what you do, they will get in...." She rested her bat on her shoulder, and like it was on que, glass shattered above them. Something would land feet behind her as she turned to look, bat readied. Her hair twisted in an arch as she caught a glimmer of gold before the figure suddenly vanished from where he landed. Gunfire erupted out as one of the armed refugees shot at the spot, nearly hitting Leith. She dropped the bat and threw her arms around her head covering her eyes and shielding her eyes from dust the bullets racked up. A gut-wrenching cry echoed behind her as she turned to see where the figure went. There he was. Obviously male, his figure shape gave that away. He held the armed man by his through, claws buried deep into his jugular vein. The man made disgusting gurgling sounds as he was suddenly dropped to the floor with a thud. The others have suddenly darted off in different directions, it took her a minute to get her bearings. She decided running wasn't a bad idea at this point as other alien figures started to break in. She would run till her feet couldn't take her any further if needed. 

Lieth was breathing hard as she leaped over a railing and fell a few feet to the basement floor. A typical human could have easily broken their legs, but she sprang right back up and darted into the darkness below. She wasn't sure if he was going to follow after her or go after the others. She ran down a damp unfamiliar hallway and found a large metal door at the end with exit hanging above it. *Please open.* she thought as she tried to open it but it was locked from the other side. "Who locks an exit door from the outside..?" She questioned the stupidity of who ever thought that was a bright idea. She set her bat down softly and picked up a narrow metal pipe. She stared trying to pry the door open. She had forgotten she was wearing sunglasses for a second when they nearly slid off her face. She quickly fixed them and returned to prying at the door. A wet footstep caused her to freeze up. She just stood there staring at the door trying to get herself to move, all the while, eyes bored into her from the entrance of the hallway. She slowly stood up straight as her breath came heavy. Her head turned and her eyes met the mask of the one from before. The mask itself was very intimidating, but his entire presence was worse than that and his silver hair wavering softly behind him. She tightened the pipe in her palm and grabbed the bat with her other hand. 

"Selket, Jakeel var na." //Female, Don't do it.// His voice suddenly echoed in the narrow hallway, It was stern and deep. She lacked any understanding of his native language, so she had no idea what was just said. Nor would she listen to any of it. When he started towards her, she felt no choice but to ready herself as he shook his head. "Selket... Ein tarata keen." //Female, I'm warning you.// His voice cut through her once more but more aggressive sounding, she still did not understand. "I don't understand what you are saying.. but if you come closer.. I will hurt you." She huffed as he suddenly laughed a bit. He truly didn't know what she really was. and she knew that was an advantage. 

When he suddenly vanished, she quickly looked around panicking. "Shit." She quickly removed her sunglasses which allowed her ember hues to focus. Her hearing could head something right behind her. She turned fast to find him behind her. Eyebrows furrowed she sneered and put the pipe and bat between them. Her sudden reaction seemed to puzzle him as he stepped back. She could see his icy stare peering at her through the eyeholes in his mask. She suddenly charged him without warning, she was gonna get out of that hallway one way or another. She first swung the pipe and then the bat. Her movements were quick causing him to stumble slightly as the pipe made contact with his head. She closed squint upon feeling them make contact. The sound of metallic hitting the ground stirred her to her senses once more and she looked back up at him. His eyes were wide with shock, his cheek was bleeding a bit, and his mask lay broken at his feet. Her eyes locked on his face.  The look in his eyes suddenly became full of rage, his pupils shrinking. His lips parted to reveal sharp teeth as a low growl bellowed up from his chest. *Uh oh...* She thought. She wondered if he had been going easy on her before, and now she just pissed him off. 

Before she could try to swing on him again, he made quick work of her weapons disarming her. She yelped as he twisted her right wrist. It dawned on her just how tall he was now that he was holding her by the wrist. He was massive. Looking down on her like she was some weak plaything. Clenching her jaws together she put all of her force into kicking him in the right between the legs. He gasped and let go of her allowing her to run. She came to a stop at the end of the hall, glancing back at him. He suddenly spoke in English. The words cut through her like butter. "You better run." He snarled. She wasn't gonna wait around to see the end result of his words. She ran towards the other end of the basement that had actually collapsed in on itself. It gave way to a mountain of rubble to she could climb to get outside. Upon doing so she lost one of her shoes. There was no turning back for it she just kept climbing glancing back to see him walk out of the hallway from the other side, cracking his neck as he suddenly gave chase. She gave an oh shit facial expression and finally her hands met grass and she pulled herself outside the opening that formed due to erosion. She knew he was hot on her tail and the only direction she could currently run without running into more of his kind was straight ahead into the dark woods. As she passed the first few trees a roar erupted out behind from where she had just came. She mentally screamed at herself. She should have ran soon as she saw that damn truck pull up. Now she's got a really pissed off alien chasing her. 

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