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thank you for being so kind and patient, and offering me overwhelming support. I appreciate each one of your for staying and supporting me through my anxiety journey and not leaving though the shitty updates Anyways enjoy chapter 3 you guys , thank you again ! <3.

Y/n's POV:
Knowing that Tara was safe with Sam, Y/n desperately needed some fun. She wanted to get her mind off the events, and the new incoming of Sam and her boyfriend. Her mind was on a spiral, and she wanted to give it a break even for a little, so she decided to go to the bar, and seeing as they all should stick together Y/n invited the rest of the 'goonies' with her, sadly including Amber. Once they arrived Y/n quickly made her way to the bar ordering 2 shots ; quickly chugging them down before returning to the group of kids bestowed to her at the pool table. "So.. what is she like, the sister?" Olivia suddenly spoke up with confusion on her face ; looking around the group. "Huh, Sam? Oh, Sam is SO cool." Chad replied ; with a wide cheesy grin on his face. "You only say that because she let you and Y/n wear matching Pokémon onesies, and stay up a half hour past the rest of us for a year." Mindy replied rolling her eyes slightly at her brother ; clutching her pool stick. "Hey! It was pretty awesome." Y/n spoke up ; laughing slightly reaching over the table to shake hands with Chad. "True, that's a true statement." He replied agreeing before clutching Y/n's hand in his ; earning laughs from everyone except Amber. "Ugh, trust me. Sam is NOT cool." Amber spoke up with a slight tone of venom behind her words. "Her dad left their mom right?" Amber says looking directly at Chad ; making him quickly wipe the smile off his face before she turns her eyes at the rest of the group. "Walks right out when Tara's 8, Sam's 13. They meet you." Amber says with a bit of bite looking directly at Y/n before keeping her eyes on her the rest of the conversation. "Happy go lucky. You start dating. Sam starts acting out with you, getting in trouble with the cops, and than on her 18th birthday she leaves." She said before looking at everyone else than back at Y/n. "Right Y/n? Ghost you, and little Tara." Y/n bit the inside of her cheek; her blood fuming at Amber's words. Y/n was NEVER fond of Amber, and in this moment Y/n knew exactly why as she wanted to reach over and punch Amber square in her nose. "Look maybe Sam has changed, but I just don't wanna see Tara hurt again." Amber finished ; finally moving her gaze away from Y/n to Wes just as he began to speak with a hint of sorrow behind her eyes. "So what? Your protecting Tara from her own sister?" Wes speaks up ; shaking his head. "No.. well someone has too." She speaks up with a low menacing tone before shooting Y/n a quick gaze.

"Amber, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about." Y/n spoke up; deciding she couldn't hold back anymore; Amber was pushing her luck. "So tell me than. Why is it so suddenly Tara's under YOUR care, she ends up hospitalized?" Amber questions moving her way towards Y/n getting right up in her chest. "I don't know dipshit ask Wes's mom why she held me up all night. What about you smart-ass she was texting you before she got attacked." Y/n bit back with venom completely lacing her tone. Y/n was on the verge of snapping and EVERYONE in the group knew it. "How was I supposed to know? I don't live with her. I couldn't just run and save her." Amber replied ; her words getting louder by the minute. "You're just mad Sam's got a new dick to be on." Amber said viciously , and that one sentence lit a fire inside Y/n ; all she saw was red as she stared down at amber quickly cocking her fist back landing a solid punch straight to her nose. Once the chaos broke out Chad and Mindy immediately made their way to pull Y/n off as she threw punch after punch towards Amber's face. "Y/n cmon stop man, get off." Chad said harshly trying to pull his bestfriend back just as Amber threw one harsh punch straight back at Y/n ; her ring piercing her flesh ; giving her an opening to throw another one towards her lip. "GUYS ENOUGH." Mindy yelled just as the bar owner came over to us in a rush. "YOU KIDS NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. NOW." She yelled angrily ass Chad and Mindy pulled y/n back forcefully and Wes got his hold on Amber. Between all the ruckus happening inside ; the group hadn't know the events that had just happened outside of the bar to Vince while they were arguing inside , and just in time sheriff Judy Hicks came rushing through the door angrily , and in panic quickly running up to Wes making sure he was safe ; she quickly turned to Y/n with a scowl before grabbing her by the arm and telling amber to come along interrogating the both of them first before finishing up with Wes and the twins.

IT FOLLOWS. (Sam carpenter x G!P female reader)Where stories live. Discover now