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Excitedly, I hopped onto my gaming chair, earning a few spins. I managed to lay my hands on the new online game that's super hyped! If I would have bought it even a minute later, it would've been sold out.

I double clicked on the game, kicking my feet out of excitement. My face then started to frown, because it had to load, and it'll take about one hour. With a sigh I stood up, going to make some food. But then, when I checked the freezer and refrigerator, nothing looked appetizing. Suddenly, I started to crave pizza.

With my stomachs growl being the confirmation to order some, I grabbed my phone out of my pockets and dialed my favorite pizzerias number.

I mentally slapped myself, considering I'm already broke, and now I'm ordering something which I could easily buy frozen, in multiple batches. I shrugged and put the speaker to my mouth, phone on loud speaker.

After ordering a (f/p), I got ready with the cash in hand, making sure theres extra so I can tip the employee. Hearing a knock on my door, I hurried over there and unlocked it. After opening the door, a very obviously sleep deprived teen (I feel) was standing infront of my door.

I grabbed the pizza box, and he told me the price. "That'll be 17.81 dollars." I gave him the requested amount and tipped him an extra ten dollars. He smiled and thanked me, then made his way back.

With a pizza box in hand, I scurried off to my room to eat. I sat back on my very cool and awesome gaming chair, which price I'd rather not mention. With a few mouse clicks I opened a second tab, so I can watch my (f/s or f/ytbr)

After finishing my pizza, I finished what I was watching and then brought back the empty pizza box, throwing it in the trash.

My guardian was currently on a buisness trip so I had the whole apartament to myself, nice. That means, I can be as loud as I want to. Well, almost. Sadly, I still have neighbors.

Going back to my room, I sat back on the gaming chair.. again, checking if the download completed. It did! I slightly smiled and started creating my account.
After thinking a bit, I smirked evilly and created my username.
The others surely wouldn't like that.

I created my password and then got sent to the lobby screen. There were quite a few matches but I joined the most filled one. Multiple people had the same avatar, but there was one specific player who had the legendary one. Dawg the game got released yesterday.. but alright. I still had the starter avatar.

After it finally loaded, I started playing, easily killing multiple players, even if they were a higher level than me. I've been playing video games since I was a kid so naturally, I'm pretty good at them.

This game had voicechat, meaning that there were alot of people swearing and shouting profanities at me. Their insults suck, though.
Suddenly some fuckass player called "Bootyyyshaker9000", who turned out to be the player with the legendary avatar, attacked me while I was VERY OBVIOUSLY AFK and taking a sip of my juice. I quickly put the can back on the table, earning a few splatters. I wiped my hand as quick as I could, to not dirty my keyboard and make it sticky, then started fighting back. "Dude! I was obviously AFK!" I spoke in the mic that's attached to my headset.
A scoff could be heard in reply, making me furrow my brows. "This is a PVP game, you should've been more careful, you idiot! It is not my fault you are simply incompetent."

Okay, that's it. I didn't bother replying and just attacked him, he ended up winning, obviously, considering he got a few extra hits.
After seeing the "GAME OVER" screen I screamed "FUCK!" I hit my table and waited to respawn.

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