Unforgettable Lies

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Summer was the worse of Candi's troubles, better yet, for once it was actually good, as the summer was filled with laughs, long nights up with friends, and better yet the food; always making Candi feel right at home. Now that she lives in Buffalo, New York, which is on the other side of the country, which is bad cause she is now New Yorker girl, but a Cali girl who loves to have fun. Now that winter was setting in was not so great,

The first few months that Candi was in New York were tough, because she is naturally shy, and in New York if your shy, your automatically an out cast. The people her are always on the move, what ever time of day it is. That's why people call it ' The City That Never Sleeps'.

Small rays of sun, stream through a small crack in between two blinds, as you can see the frost of the snow, covering the window sills, and the heater on blast, but still the house is cold due to the snow. Candi slowly wakes up from her slumber, as she looks at the alarms clock on the bed side table, groaning at the time.

"I should be asleep still, damn school." She complained,as she slowly sat up in bed, letting her back rest against the wall, and pulling her blacket up to her face; trying her best to keep herself warm, from the cold enviroment from outside.

All her family knew that she missed the California, not just because it was her birth place, but because, she left everything she ever had there. She might be seven-teen, but she will never forget it, because that place is what she calls home, and it will take a long time for her too get used to it her.

She sighed, and got off the confort of her bed, slowly, made her way over to the bathroom; so that she get ready for another day at school. She lazily opened the shower curtian, and turned on the water, and just jumping in, not even caring, that the water was cold or not; the funny thing was that the gods in the hevans were waiting for this to happen, because the water came out ice cold, making her shiver on contact.

Candi fastly washed her hair and body, and got out of the shower fastly, not wanting to be in there any longer cause it felt as if she did, she willl become an ice statue. She pulled back the shower curtians, grabbing her blue towel off a rack, and drying herself, then stepping on the mat, so she doesn't slip, and good thing it was there.

She walked out, into her room, and got dressed warmly, with formal clothing,  but yet casual. A nice brown big button up blaizer, a purple long sleeve under the blaizer, black skinny jeans, that are tucked into her brown Uggs. Candi walks into the bathroom, looks at her reflection, and smiles, smelling her morning breath.

She pulls out her tooth brush, and brushes her teeth, does her beautiful, long yet wavy, black hair, into an angel halo braid. She smiles once more, runs back into her room, grabs her turquiouse Jans Sport back pack, and runs down stairs.

"Bye Mom," Candi yelled, as she rushed out of her house, not wanting to be late for school, again,"see you around three."


Candi arrives at school, late again, like always, as she casually strolls into school, like she wasn't late. As she walked slowly down the halls, not wanting to be seen none of the authorty figures her, but lucky or not, she was still caught.

Mr.Stevens, dislikes Candi, because her mother, does not like him, so he does his best to make Candi's life a living Nightmare, and to say the truth, he has succseded already so many times.

"Ms.Wilcons." said Mr.Stevens as he walked over to Candi, taking a big bite out of his juicy ripe red apple.

Candi mentally cusses herself out, and turns around to face Mr.Stevens, giving him the best fake smile she can pull off.

"Yes, Mr what's up?" She asked trying to act inoccent, so she does not get in too much trouble.

"You are late again Candi, you know that if you keep coming to school late, you most likely won't be able to go NYU like you want." Mr. Stevens said, as he repeatly tapped his pen on his old wooden desk, as he looked Candi.

Candi sighs, knowing that he had a point. If she keeps this up, the school she really wants to go to, will never give her a schoalrship. She would have to go to some run down communitiy college, with bad writing programs, she will never get the life she wants. Candi really wants to go to NYU, because she will be able to get her masters in writing, and go on with one perfesion she really wants to do for the rest of her life, writing stories.

Writing stories is her dream. Ever since she grabbed a pen and paper, she was on a roll; always writing about everything and anything, that will pop right into her head. She kept a notebook, that had all of her works, but everytime, her family, friends, and ever Mr.Stevens; told her to find a publisher, cause she had talent: she would put herself down, because she always told herslef that she won't make it with the big kids, cause the writing buisness is hard now, only a few will ever make it.

"Your right Mr." Candi replied, defeated, that he had a pont, 'bout this situation.

"I'm glad you see it my way, now get to class, you don't want to be more late then you are already do you?" He asked getting up, opening the door of his office, so that Candi can get to class.

"I'll see you around school I guess?" she said, as she walked out of his office.

As she was about to get into the classroom, a flashing thought ran through her head.

"They don't know how bad I miss Cali," she whispered to herself,"I'm calling Auntie Cassie, I'm going to school out there, if my family likes it or not."

She took one final glance at the class room door, turned on her heel, and left this horrid place, that she called 'school'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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