☆ Chapter 16

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16 : Farewell, Y/n


It was a Saturday, luckily you could hang out with Scaramouche since you weren't doing anything at the matter. He texted you to where you were going to meet up at and of course, he picks that restaurant.

You didn't blame him but now that restaurant just gives you the chills and bad memories after that encounter with C/n and Kaeya and Diluc. But nonetheless you decided to ignore it and put on an outfit that's decent enough to fit the restaurant you two were going.

He was supposed to pick you up but you noticed that he didn't come on time and was running super late. So you just asked B/n to drive you there.

"Where are you going now?"

"Meeting up with Scara, why'd you ask?"

"I don't like how your hanging out with him more."

"I promise, I'll make some time for you. Even though you also did that to me with Bsf/n."


"It's fine."

You get into B/n's van and drives you there to the restaurant. You texted Scaramouche to see where he was at right now, but he completely left you on read. You were there, at the table you two were to supposed to be. But something wasn't right. He was never late thats for sure, so why now?

You still wanted to give him gift you made, aka a bracelet for Scaramouche in order to make up for missing out his friends introductions. You felt guilty for not giving it to him as soon as possible. You started to wonder where that man is.

"Scaramouche, where are you?"

Just then, you noticed a familiar red headed guy with a low ponytail. Oh no, it's Diluc. You quickly excuse yourself to the restroom to hide from the tall man. You texted Scaramouche once again to ask where he was and how you were already at the restaurant. But he didn't even see your text. You decide to call him, but somehow that doesn't manage to work.

"Scaramouche, where the f##k are you!?!"
"I'm literally hiding from Diluc as I am talking, where the heck are you!?!"

You deliver the voice message, that doesn't work either. You ended up having to stay in the bathroom for several minutes. Only then did you start to get hungry and went out of the restroom to eat. Looks like that red headed tall guy was gone. So you ordered yourself some food, quickly ate it while waiting for Scaramouche.

It was about half an hour, he still wasn't here. Even after the restaurant was almost closing, he didn't manage to make it. And the thing is, you were both worried and angry about him. Worried because he was never late and something might've happend to him, and angry because he stood you up for 2 hours. You called B/n on your phone and asked him to pick you up.

He came just on time for you. Lucky for him he can actually make it on time. You decided to confront Scaramouche about it but in a more calmly way so you don't freak Scaramouche out. For you, understanding someone elses feelings and situation about an issue was better than throwing hands quickly.

You weren't the type of person to throw hands as fast as you can, because your mom somehow was the complete opposite. You didn't wanna turn out exactly like her, so you wanted yourself to understand somebodys situation and feelings on an issue that happend between you and that person and not like your mom, who would be ready to throw hands and not understand first.

"Soo, how was your little date?"

"He stood me up."

"He what?"

"I'm not sure if he did it on purpose, but he most likely had something more important to deal with."

"You better start throwing hands."

"B/n, I'm not like mom. I understand the person's situation and why they might or did it before throwing hands. I'll start throwing them if they felt no remorse for it."
"I'll talk to him calmly. That way, he won't be freaking out over it."

"I will never truly understand you."

"I will never truly understand your taste in crushes."

"Stop it! No Bsf/n slander here come on!"

"Drive me to his house, okay?"

"Alright then."

He drives you to Scaramouche's house. Luckily, he still remembers the way to his house or else you wouldn't be able to confront him. You arrive infront of his house amd get out of the van. Pushing his doorbell so he can check the door. But to your surprise, it was someone who looked exactly like his mom.

"Oh hello dear, you must be Y/n, correct?"

"I- uhh.. yes.."

She talked in a sweet tone and manner. Unlike his mom somehow.

"My name is Makoto, nice to meet you! Kunikuzushi has been talking about you recently and says he doesn't wanna go on this trip."

"W-wait, what trip.."


"Why did you leave me in that restaurant?"

"Listen, I.. I'm sorry. I didn't know about this trip until now."

"Oh so, is this goodbye?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I'll be back in a few days."

"Stay safe okay?"

"I will, don't worry."

You hugged him as you say goodbye to his aunt and him. You felt sad he was going away. And so, when you got in the van, you started crying.


I was suddenly informed yesterday that Reikeko was leaving, and so I made this chapter to distract myself from my tears.

Stay safe Rei, I truly loved your Kazuha fanfic and it really did a big impact on me to the point I cried over Tomo's "supposed death". I started bawling my eyes out when I read that he was alive.

Side note : I hope you take care and take good care for your health, both physically and mentally Rei.

Thank you for your books Rei. I appreciate them dearly :)

update note : if you guys have watched horimiya yall would probably know it would be a bit simalier to that


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