Chapter 1 - Alone

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Chronological order of the chapters: 4, 5, 3, 1=2=6, 7=8=9, 10

"Nothing! Wait up! I was faking and I got away and... Nothing? NOTHING! Nothing..." Feather screamed in a desperation.  "Where are you..."

Feather found himself in the middle of nowhere as he was trying to chase after Nothing and Ghost who were going in the unknown direction, but he lost them while he was climbing up the dune. Endless desert of Stretch surrounded young lion, sun was burning his red-beige fur like fire so violently that Feather wanted to bury himself in the sand, just to escape from the heat. It seemed that he was all alone.

"Okay, Feather, focus, what should I do? There's no point in chasing them down now. Oh! I know, I need to go to the Stonelands! — it would be a lot to find water there — I remember when Rain talked about it with Nothing! I need to go there," said Feather.

Another days had passed, but there was no sign of any lion nor Stonelands on the horizon. During his journey Feather only saw vultures and carrion. With his injured leg he didnt't have a great time with hunting anyway, his injury significantly diminished his ability to hunt. But somethimes he was lucky enough to find some small rodents or birds. Another problem, which Feather had to cope with, was a lack of water. He didn't drink for a couple of days and, in conclusion, dehydrated himself really badly. He almost passed out once, but luckily soon after he found a small puddle which basically saved him from dying. He found some carrion as well. Feather somehow managed to swallow it despite it being awfully disgusting.

Monotnous landscape of the Prideless Stretch made it very easy to get lost, Feather wasn't sure whether or not he was going in the right direction. He was going in the direction he more or less remembered. It was not a fast journey. Without all four functional limbs, every day he was traveling less and less, he was losing the strength. Wounds on the neck were still making Feather uncofortable. One morning Feather decided to stand on his injured leg. The pain he felt shot through him from head to the tail tip.

"Sunce's flaming eyes!" Feather groaned, trying not to scream from pain.

The pain was intimidating, he had to lie down on the hot sand. Various thoughts raced through his mind. Is he going to stay on the Stretch forever? Is he going to die here? Is his leg going to heal?

The following days were passing slowly, only a quater of dry season had passed since Feather last saw Nothing, but Feather thought that it felt like a year for Feather. He was slowly falling into apathy. He barely felt thirst and hunger. Feather wasn't sleeping well despite trying to do this for the most time of his rest. One time he took a nap under a withered tree. A strange thing happened then. Feather had a dream, but it wasn't a typical one. At the beggining he felt a smell of burning, he opened his eyes, but to his suprise, he didn't see massive dunes, but the remains of some kind of jungle. Even though not much was left from the forest, Feather had never seen that many trees in one place. Suddenly he felt the heat of the fire on his back. At this moment he woke up but the heat sensation didn't go away. Feather turned his head and saw that the tree under which he slept was on fire. He ran away from it as fast as he could, almost  almost tripping over his injured leg.

"How that tree just ignited out of nowhere? Very strange." Feather thought about this only for a while and decided to go further.

Feather continued his journey for a next few days which were so monotonous and so similiar to each other that it was difficult to separate them from one another. What happened to Feather later though was much more bizzare and seemed to be a hallucination for him.

At the highest eye of Sunce, Feather was in the small valley surrounded by big dunes. He was eating a fennec he had found and killed nearby. After he was done with it, Feather looked to the sky. At this moment the sun started to shine much stronger and it blinded Feather. He closed eyes almost immediately.

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