Chapter 1: Nightmares

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Sasuke could barely breathe.

Whatever he had just witnessed in his dream - his nightmare - has made him so frightened. His heart felt like bursting from fear, and his tears would begin to drown him. Suddenly, the darkness in his room became an enemy and he felt anxious just sitting there, doing nothing though monsters could come devour him.

The dead bodies dropping to the ground.

He inhaled.

Blood splattering onto the pavement.

He exhaled.

Crows cawing.

He inhaled.

Weapon stabbing into him.

He exhaled.

"Sasuke, are you okay?"

The light in his room turned on ad showered him with its luminosity. Slowly the dirt he felt shed off his skin and returned to the darkness underneath his bed. Sasuke began to calm down as he looked over to who had come save him from his demons.

"N-Nii-san..." Sasule breathed out. Relief came over him once he took in the concerned look on his brother's face. "Nii-san..."

He could trust his brother.

"What is it, Sasuke?" Itachi strode over to the smaller Uchiha's bed, and put a hand on his shoulder. He gazed into his brother's face, scrutinizing it for an expression to answer his question. "Why, have you experienced a bad dream?"

"I-I did..." 

Itachi frowned and pushed Sasuke back onto his bed softly.

"It was only a dream, Sasuke," Itachi smiled to assure him. "It wasn't real."

"I know...but..." His fingers twitched, the fear still remaining to overcome his whole being.

"Then, I'll stay here until you sleep, okay?"


Sasuke closed his eyes and tucked himself in. The last thing he saw before he slept was Itachi sitting at the edge of his bed, warmly smiling with the light behind hi,.

Finally, he felt safe.

Morning arrived with no problems. Sasuke awoke feeling good, despite the nightmare he went through some hours before. Because of his brother, he was able to relax, and able to forget about the dream as he slumbered. The thought made Sasuke smile.

As such, Sasuke stepped out of his bed and fixed it neatly. He then headed outside his room, only to meet his mother halfway to the dining room. Mikoto was a little surprised to see him up and about so early, when he usually would be pretty groggy after waking up, but she didn't complain. She only greeted him a good morning with a smile while she lead him to the dinner table.

"Your father and brotherare out to work early," the mother informed. Sasuke nodded as he stuffed his face with food. "You too - you have to hurry and get ready for the Academy, right?"

"Yes," he replied after drinking from a glass of water. "I'll hurry and graduate, too, Mom. Then I'll join the Uchiha Police Force."

Mikoto smiled.

"But first you have to eat well and be healthy," she warned. "Or else you'll be weakened enough to not be able to do anything, okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Sasuke saluted. He then finished his food quickly to change his clothes and ready himself for the Academy. When the time came, he took his bag and left the house, with Mikoto waving him goodbye.

How could he grow up so fast?

"You're late again, Kakshi-sensei," Setsuna, a brown-haired girl in a bright orange shirt complained. She wondered how long their instructor would continue on with his tardiness and lame excuses. He'd made them wait for too long, though he knew that Hiro was an impatient person.

"Well...a - "

" car crossed your way and blah blah blah," Hiro, a blonde-haired boy, voiced with an annoyed look. "God, you're supposed to be a good influence, yet here you are getting late on every meeting."

Kakashi only chuckled timidly as he put his book away.

"I agree with Hiro on this one, Sensei," this time, it was a green-haired boy, Kakery, who spoke as he sighed. "You're so irritating sometimes - with your lack of punctuality and all."

Sheesh, kids are so mean nowadays. Kakashi thought.

"Well putting that aside, let's talk about what we originally were supposed to," Kakashi shifted the topic into a mandatory one. "We'll be getting a new mission, so let's go and meet with the Hokage to be issued one."

"Psh, it's just going to be some stupid D-rank mission again, won't it?" Hiro sighed. He put a hand over  his heart as he pulled off a hurt facial expression. "Truthfully...I'm getting sick of them.:

"Now,now," Kakashi said. "Every shinobi starts with easy things such as this. There's no shortcuts in life."

"But I sure wish there'd be," Setsuna sighed also.

"Right?" Kakeru joined, and the three sighed together with disappointed faces.

Kakashi exhaled a hopeless breath.

"There's no use for all that complaining," he told them. "Nothing will change with just words. You have to work for it. Now go on!"

"Got it, Sensei," was the lifeless response from the three genin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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