Chapter 4- lockdown

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Finally when Sai and Virat decided to head back to their respective places PM announced lockdown for 21 days. They thought that its about 21 days so they will cooperate with the country and stayed back, then the lock down continues for next 3 months. They stuck in that place as the condition of the country stared to get worse with increasing numer of COVID positive cases and death. 

They were leaving miles away from the main town of Gowhati so they were facing some problems with their supplies of food and other materials. They plan to stay in minimum food and other supplies. Virat brn with a silver spoon in mouth so he never experience the minimal living. He was amazed by Sai and Lavanya’s skill to run their house in minimal things without keeping anybody hungry. 

They saw how  people were coming back to their home town with lots of difficulties. All day they listen sirens of ambulance and cries people who were either not getting bed in hospital or losing their loved ones. 

Being a doctor Sai felt helpless, she wanted to treat people but she cant do much here without any infrastructure. She also sat there quietly as if she go out to treat village people then she will bring the virus in home and will endanger the lives of her friends.  She shared her dilemma with everyone. Virat appreciated her thought to help people but Lavanya said against it as she was worried for her friends.  News they saw that many medical practitionars lost their lives. 

One day Virat sat near a sad Sai who was watching news helplessly. He asked her “I understand that being a doctor you want to serve people but the situation is not that here. You dont have any infrastructure and Lavanya is worried for you.” she looked towards him and said “I know she is worried for me. I really need to go back to my hospital. Can you please do something for me?” 

He was impressed with her selflessness and professionalism. He said her that he will do the arrangements for her going back. Soon they become good friends as they understood each oher. Oneday again Sai was upset after receiving a call from Jagtap who was again scolding her for staying in her friend’s place where two men are also staying. She told Virat about her toxic relationship and Vrat told her about his selfish wife and unhappy married life. 

These talk helped them to bond closely. They understood each other's condition very well. Both of them discuss about their lives and aloneness among family. These few days were very good for them as they met with a person who understood them. 

Soon as per Sai’s request Virat arranged their way back home. A specially sanitized car come to pick them up from Lavany’s place to Gowhati airport. From their Virat’s chartered plan with a special permission first dropped Sai in Mumbai and then Virat in Nagpur. Sai straight went to te hospital for her RTPCR test and when the result was negative she joined hospital. 

On the other hand Virat oopted for 14 days quarantine in a hotel as he was not eager to go back to home and face his wife everyday who is also in home due to lockdown. After 1 days he had to go back to Chavan Nivas. He decided to work form his study which he converted into his home office. 

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