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Y/N was watching Usopp and Luffy mess with a cannon. Nami had lended her some clothes to wear, it was nothing extraordinary, just a short black skirt and a (f/c) long-sleeved top. Zoro's eyes shot open as the cannon's boom rang through the air. "What are you doing?!?" The swordsman yelled at them. "We found a cannon!" Luffy smiled, "It doesn't shoot right though." Usopp pushed Luffy aside. "You just don't know how to aim it. Let me show you!" Usopp took control of the weapon. "Hit that rock." Luffy pointed to a tall rock in the distance. "You got it!" smiled Usopp, "Judging from your first shot..this should do it!" Usopp shot the cannon.

Usopp hit the rock, it broke in half. Y/N whistled to show she was impressed. "Wow! You hit it on your first try!" Luffy gaped, "Wow! I hit it on my first try!" Usopp also gaped. Usopp switched up, "See! Didn't I tell you? I always hit what I aim at!" He smirked. Nami opened the kitchen door and stuck her head out, "Lunch is ready!" She called. Luffy immediately rushed inside, Y/N stood up and the rest of them walked inside.

Luffy had finished his lunch as soon as he sat down, now he was on the prowl on others plates. His hand slowly moved towards Zoro's plate, the swordsman blocked Luffy's hand with his fork. Luffy's other hand stocked towards Y/N's plate. She moved her sandwich out of his way and stared at his hand as it grabbed for something, anything. She quirked a brow. She pulls off a piece of her sandwich and gently put it in his hand, like feeding an animal. His hand quickly retreated and he ate the food. "Y/N don't feed him or he's gonna want more." Nami whispered to Y/N, "Is he the captain or the pet?" Y/N asked, jokingly. "Both." Zoro answered, "I've been thinking!" They all looked at Luffy.

"There is still one position we need to fill before we reach the grand line." said Luffy, "We can't eat sandwiches for every meal." Nami commented. "This ship has all the equipment." Y/N added, "Then it's agreed!" smiled Luffy. "A pirate ship needs a musician!" Everyone looked at their captain, dumbfounded. "Are you nuts?!" Usopp yelled at his captain. "I thought you were going to say something smart for once." Zoro shook his head, "I thought Zoro was the musician." Y/N snickered, the swordsman glared at her. "This is piracy, not a pleasure cruise!" huffed Nami to Luffy. "Pirates have to sing, don't they?!" Luffy asked.


Luffy stood up and Y/N followed. The captain slammed the door open, "Hey! Who are you?!" yelled the straw hat boy. "Who am I?!" The man swung his sword at Luffy, the boy jumped out of the way. "Eh, You got this." Y/N said to her captain before shutting the door. "How many?" Zoro asked the girl, "It's one guy." Y/N answered, She leaned on the wall beside the door. She listened to their conversation as Nami and Usopp watched from a small window. The (h/c) haired girl stared down at the ground as she focused on the quick conversation happening on the deck. Zoro watched Y/N for expressions to hint what was happening; She looked up. "Something wrong?" She looked over at Zoro, "That guy out there is a bounty hunter." She answered him.

Zoro raised a brow and stood up, he set his swords down and walked to the door. Nami and Usopp looked his way. He slammed the door open and looked at the scene. "Huh?" Nami and Usopp peaked out of the doorway. "Well, I'll be..It's Johnny!" Zoro exclaimed. "Huh?." Johnny was lying on the deck with a bloody nose. He shot up from the ground, "Z-Zoro! My brother!" Johnny said in utter shock.

Y/N stepped out into the doorway, Nami and Usopp moving out of her way. "What's going on? Where's Yosaku?" Johnny had a look of distress, "That's just it!" he answered the swordsman. Y/N heard Nami and Usopp murmur about Johnny. "You know this punk?" Y/N stood beside Zoro. "Listen to me! Yosuka is.." tears fell down Johnny's face; "Dying!" He yelled helplessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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