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During a sports day I had decided to eat a spicy soup kinda food which was delicious but I added spice To it and sooner or later my fate was soon to unfold. A few minutes or at least and hour had passed when I had needed to take a shit. I ignored it as I didn't want to leave my juicy conversation I was having with my friend group but it got to a point where I was about to shat my pants so I told my friends I needed to shit unknowingly of what was going to happen in just a few as I went in the red stall near the door to freedom(outside the bathroom) and started my business. I pushed out one measly piece of shit but still felt as though I needed to push a little more so I did just that. As I kept pushing and pushing slowly losing my breath it happened...It happened so fast I couldn't prepare myself. And as my watery shit started gushing out my asshole like a waterfall I held on for dear life as my soul depended on it, so I curled and hurled my toes while enduring the burning and painful feeling around my bootyhole. And soon the pain was over...I wiped my hole in pain wondering if I would ever experience such pain as that ever again(I did experience this again but at a different place) but I stayed strong wiping until all the blood from my ripped hole and a little bit of the watery poo. I stood up washed my hands and ran through the doors to freedom...😞😢

My own life experience😢TRIGGER WARNING!!! VERY TRAUMATIC ON MY PART!!!Where stories live. Discover now