1.0-what can i get you guys.

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1st person (this is nit part of the story)

It was a Sunday morning I woke up a bit late I got dressed put my hair up in a messy bun throwing on black waisted jeans doing the buttons up and a black shirt going downstairs walking behind the bar "morning dad" I said kissing his cheek slightly, "morning" he said as i was grabing a glass pouring a coke in it walking to the kitchen  seeing my mum "morning sweet pea  can you take those two plates to table 3 for me " She asks pointing to two plates on the hot box I put my cup down walking into the bar "one egg and bacon with hashbrowns and the  a sausages, eggs beans with a side of salad " I say placing the plates down " anything else  I can get you lovely  people today?".

I walked into the kitchen making gagging noise "that guy stank " she mutters  drinking her coke as her dad walks In "y/n go look after the bar I need to pop to the shop for some more food " my dad says I nod going behind the bar scrolling on my phone.

3rd person

"Ain't you  a bit young to be behind the bar " a voice  said I look up from my phone  seeing a bold man with tattoos, with a woman and 3 boys and a girls how old are you?" The man spoke up again.

" hi I'm y/n I'm 16, now how may I serve you today" she asks in her sweet tone, as the man was going to speak up one of the identical twins spoke up he had very little hair and an eyebrow slit witch she recalled was javon "hey I've seen you around school we have maths together" he says. "Cool" y/n said in the most bored tone ever as she turns her gaze to the man " what can I get you ?" She asks again.

"Alright  now that your seated what can I get you guys she asks holding a notepad and book "Alright thank you ill bring it out when it's ready" y/n walked into the kitchen "table 6 " she says hanging up before going back behind the bar serving some men as haden walked up to the bar " can I get 2 cokes a lemonade and a fruitshoot orange" y/n put it down " that will be $13.50 " she says as he paid putting the card  back in his pocket as y/n opened the bottles giving them to him.

As the bell rang y/n got pulled out her thoughts she went to the kitchen grabing 2 plates taking then to table 6 going  back and forth "Alright anything else I can get you ?" Y/n asks being polite as always, "your number would ve amazing " the fluffy hsired boy  says " someone's a bit confident" y/n says "give me your phone " y/n says jaden grabbed his phone handing I to her she put her name and number in giving it back before walking off  going behind tge bar serving more people.

It was the end of the day when y/n got a text from a random number she y/n was now laying in bed.


hey its jaden from the bar we meet earlier

Yea hi I remember you what you want

To talk to you

Must suck I don't want to talk to you

Wow rude

I'll see you tomorrow in school j

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