☆ Chapter 17

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17 : Im Sorry, Scaramouche


Kaeya and Diluc start flirting with you as soon as they realizes Scaramouche was going on a trip and would be gone. Obviously, you didn't give in. After all, who would fall for that stupid hot and cold duo?

Thank the heavens, Xiao saved you from anymore of Kaeya's cheesy pickup lines and whatever Diluc was doing to get you to fall for him. After all, Xiao was apart of the plan to protect you. Scaramouche would've killed him if he didn't either way.

"Let's hope they won't cause you anymore trouble. In the meantime, would you like to sit with me in the secret area in the garden while it's recess?"

"Uhh sure!"

"Alright, follow me."

A secret area? In the garden of the school? Obviously you would go with Xiao. You always loved secret areas. Especially if they were filled with flowers. Xiao holds your hand and pulls you with him into the tall rose bushes. He then passes through and goes on to the secret spot. And holy cow, ot was filled with flowers. Roses especially.

"Beautiful right?"

"Yeah.." You say as you were mesmerized by the scenery.

"I usually go here when it's recess. Hence why I usually dissappear."

"I don't blame you for going missing every single time. I would too." You smile at him.

You both just hang out for some time, enjoying the silence. Every now and then he still knows about how you live cats and whenever he finds a cat photo on Pinterest, he always shows you. It was going on up until the point to where every single photo he has on his pinterest was literally cats and nothing else.

You both were just talking about how cute the cats where until someone gave you a call, you thought it was Scaramouche. But you thought wrong. It was only Kaeya who called you. What would he want now?

"Uhm? Hello?"

"Hey Y/n! You wanna come with us on our way to the beach again? It's gonna be fun I promise! I'll drive though After school?"

"Uhmm.... sure I guess."

"Alright! I'll see you later, bye for now."

"Why did you even agree?"

"I wanna see what hes gonna do."

"Scaras gonna be pissed!"

"I know, that's why I'm doing it." You say with a smirk on your face.

*After school*

You walk out, fix your stuff and your ready to go in Kaeya's car. Obviously, you're in the back seat since Dilucs in the front. He puts on music that only has The Weeknd songs. He must love the weeknd huh.

Even Diluc is vibing to it somehow. Kaeya was singing while Diluc was just humming the tune. You stayed silent in the car, minding your own business. You wondered why you even agreed to do this. But then you remembered.

Scaramouche will be pissed if he ever found out about you going in Kaeya's car. You thought it would be funny to mess around with the indigo haired man. But little did you know, this would soon come to a dead end.

Just then, Kaeya was singing peacefully. It was going okay inside the car and nothing really happend.

Until the car was in the way.


sorry guys. i thought it would be funny. i was feeling a lil goofy

sorry yall but that horimiya thingy was all just an act and i actually planned it that way. i would tell yall that over the next chapters it would all be fine, it is not gonna be all fine.

since this chapter is a sad one, there wont be any departure gift. again sorry yall

were getting close to the end tho.

see yall bye!!


 [✧] ❝𝗪𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝘂𝘆❞ - Scara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now