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     Blue was right when he advised you to  decline Looker's offer. Even if you worked at this police station for years and decided that withering would be a better alternative than looking for better employment in this world of technological, you shouldn't have accepted it in the first place when is, not your prefences.

   If Looker had said, in a more accurate way, that working with an android you can manage on your own will enhance your abilities as a detective and police officer rather than having you sit at a table all day, you would have laughed at his advice.

   But you were a trusting employer, and you did what he said, without inquiry, like a puppy, because you can't refused and damn well he knows what's good for you like a father.

    If only you had answered no, then none of this could have happened; you wouldn't be standing in front of a dead person, examining a crime scene with an android.

   You think everything will be okay but no.

   Tonight, you've assigned your first case with him and you already fed up.

    "I assumed you checked the evidences?"

   His icy demeanour belies his warm brown eyes and his raised eyebrows, which are more akin to those of a labradoodle than a husky. You leapt at the sound of his voice, losing your stream of thought as your head snapped to the android.

    His name was Red, and he wore a semi-formal grey jacket wearer with a white shirt, dark tie, and dark jeans. His model and serial number are on the right breast, a blue triangle is on the left breast, and a blue armband is on the right arm, which are the typical identification marks for androids on clothing. The words ANDROID, a larger blue triangle, and his model number, RK800, are printed over the shoulders of his jacket.

     "No," You answered, clearing your throat as your eyes gaze back to the dead corpse. "Not quite, I am focusing."

     Red-voiced lice with cold tones said, "But you need to be quick; we do not have much time; Looker would be disappointed." You fought the impulse to give him a hard gaze.

   "I am," You gritted through your teeth, "Don't pressure me."

     Red gave you one more cold glance, first  at the vehicle as it drove to the victim's house then at a crime scene. He looked dissatisfied by your lack of awareness and your self consicious, which could have made things simpler, and called for a day.

    You might not have recognised it before, but he gives off an air of superiority, technology, and a strong sense of self. Working with humans does not appeal to Red, and working with androids does not appeal to you either. Your two frigid walls won't be melting any time soon until Red demonstrates some compassion and understanding.

     Imagine your surprise if androids were to demonstrate empathy and feeling, even though it hasn't been shown that they do.

    "The Victim named Carlos, had been stabbed 28 times—"

    You halt him to stop; you don't need to be reminded too much today because Red observed that you were lacking in ability, which irritated you; you've only known him for a day, and he's a pain in the ass. You are not the kind of person who should be around someone like him reminding you what to do.

   Unless is your mistakes but not now to think about it.

   "I already know what it is, is already in the case, you don't have to remind me." You crossed your arms, standing your ground. "And I do not need your word of advice for the second time of the day."

  With his arms clasped behind his back and his torso bowed, Red leans in as though he's kissing you, giving off the vibe of a menacing preschool principal who can make anyone feel uncomfortable with his taunting, scary aura.

     "Word of advice," He begins, "Improve your skills and your awareness in your surroudings, and your attitude towards me. Just because I am a android doesn't mean you have the rights to talk back to your superior beings, you humans are fragile souls and one thing for sure death is near at your door steps anytime soon unless someone kept an eye on you."

   Finally, you shoot him an icy gaze, "Woah now! I only met you for a day. Why so hard ass? What are you gonna do, report me to Looker?"

     "Perhaps I am," Red pulls away, he dropped his arms at his side, he kept his superior and icy words going, "Unless you do what Looker told us."

   What an ass.

   You carried out the duties of a police officer and detective. Although it happens to most people you know, it is not your fault if the two of you have a chilly, terrifying first impression. Blue was an exception; despite his potential for misbehaviour, you choose to trust him.

    Contrarily, Red disliked misbehaviour. In fact, when you first met him at the station today, you attempted to lighten the awkward silence, but he took it seriously.

   "I pity people like you making... what's this? Jokes?"

   You only joke about his appearance and he took it seriously, what the fuck?

      You can't go back now that you're here though. Subsequently, you followed  Red's trail from the rear, scrutinising the android as he collected proof and indications from the outset of Carlos' demise through the kitchen entry.

     The kitchen was in worse shape. It had not been cleaned, and a group of Ratatas and Trubbish  were taking over certain areas and eating whatever was left over after Carlos passed away, including moist food leftovers, takeout, trash bags, and possibly contaminated muddy water from where Carlos may have failed to fix his pipe.

    Straining your nose from the foul stench, you return to the living room and observe Red kneeling at the drop of blood you failed to notice, licking it in his mouth with two fingers for analysis. You gauged from the inside, and this is not the first time he has done during this investigation; he did this as soon as the two of you entered at the living room.

    "Will you stop putting whatever shit in your mouth?" You asked, making a face but it soon falters when Red gave you a glare: "Sorry."

      "Do not interpret what I do,"  Red sneers, he walks toward you in a long stride that mimics like a predator ready to pounce at its prey: "I do not like to be disturbed."

    You huffled at his words, his brows furrowed, and his fists balled up. You saw that he was suppressing his feelings, trying to project an air of superiority as usual, but he was failing to do so because you could see a hint of genuine human emotion in his eyes. It's possible that he has seen similar incidents previously, but you don't want to find out just yet because you two are running out of time and there's no time to argue.

     "It's best if you end your partnership with me before things get worse," Red growls, his lips quivering to reveal his canine teeth as his gentle brown eyes meet yours. "I do not like you."

     "And I do not like you either," You talked back, "No matter what you says, this is what I agree on, like it or not, you are my partner and we worked this together despite our differences."

     Red has no choice but to be with you either, whether for his tasks or for other reasons. Nonetheless, he has had a nagging sense since the first time he saw you at the station, and he despised it so much that he had buried it deep within his system

   Yet... you're the first human who can put up with his attitude and he kinda likes it.

Author's note: English isn't my first languange :)

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