Chapter 16

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Author's Note: Italicized are lyrics for a song called Me You by San E feat Baek Yerin (YES ITS A KOREAN SONG)

Lucion froze at the soft contact he felt on his cheeks, the girl's soft 'thank you' ringing in his ears. By the time he reacted, the girl was already staring straight ahead, doing her all to avoid eye contact with him. He chuckled softly.

He had not expected to open up to the girl, honestly, it was practically the last thing on his mind. It just happened to be so and he had no regrets. In fact, his mind and body felt so light and relieved since he had gotten so many things, the story especially, out of him. He had felt no wrong in confiding in the girl, he was following his instincts after all. Besides, the girl was the next person he was the most comfortable to next to his parents and Yun, she was one that he could be himself - free from the facade he had to equip on when he was with the others.

The atmosphere surrounding the pair was engulfed by silence once more, the two of them staring at the orange-pink hue of the setting sun.. Lucion moved slightly, wanting to get up, only to be stopped by Jesslia, whom tugged the end of his sleeve slightly, preventing the former to leave like he wanted to. The boy glanced at the girl, "I'm going to get us some food and blankets from the car."

The girl released her grip shyly, embarrassed from the misunderstanding, her fingers dusting the air as she gestured for the boy to leave quickly so he could be back sooner. She turned back to stare at the pinkish sun, the boy leaving as quietly as he can.

Jesslia was quite amazed that Lucion had been willing to tell her about him, especially when they had barely met for two weeks max. The revelation of Lucion's past actually made her think, that maybe she needs to face it like he did, with it being the problem that had been haunting her ever since. She was confused. Should she tell him too? Or should she continue living with it all clamped within her until her soul decays with it?

Maybe all she needs is just someone to listen to her, like what Lucion needed before he found her brother. She could tell anyone, really, but the urge to tell Lucion was so strong, to the point where she did not know her heart could yearn so much for her to do something. It was different from her wanting to skate, different from her wanting to study the arts, different from anything she had ever felt before. Maybe, just maybe, she should tell the boy too.

She knows that Lucion had been dying to know the reason why she was dressing the way she was in school, not that she was not now, just that she did not have to wear her wig anymore. It was all Im's credit, and she gave that to her. The younger girl still had not dared to call her up after lifting her wig in front of the whole Soran population, in fear that she was still angry at her. Giggling to herself, she quickly added a mental note to message the younger girl to rid the latter of her guilt.

The girl's mind continued to wander around, before she nodded her head firmly, her eyes reflecting her actions. She opened her mouth, about to say something to give herself some courage over the decision she had just made.

Only, before the girl could say anything, something was place in her right ear. Before she could even say anything or react to it, Lucion sat right next to her, returning to the same seat earlier, and the sweet melody played from the thing she now figured was an earpiece in her right ear.

Oh boy I'm kinda new to this

How should I say this?

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