Chapter 17

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    The holiday ended in a blink of an eye, and Lu Xin and the others went back to school one after another.

This afternoon, several people in the dormitory squatted on the ground in a circle, cleaning up the specialties brought from home one by one.

"Do I look like a migrant worker entering the city carrying a woven bag?" Lu Xin asked.

"Why does it look like this?" Tu Yang said, "It's definitely true."

"Get out."

Jiang Shu shared the snacks sent by Mrs. Jiang, "My mother prepared them and brought a message, I hope you like them. "

"I like it, we like it very much, thank you, auntie!" Lu Xin and the others said repeatedly.

Mrs. Jiang prepares candies and chocolates that little girls will like, and the weight of money can be felt just by the packaging.

Jiang Laosi's family members are very proud. Their dormitory often receives snacks from Jiang Shu's mother, and once even sent a new mobile phone to everyone in their dormitory. The refusals are not subject to what is now commonplace.

They and the Jiang family have different values. What is precious to them is just commonplace to the Jiang family. Excessive delay will affect the relationship. Will postpone it again, just silently thank you.

Lu Xin and the others also divided up the hometown specialties they brought.

"By the way," Lu Xin suddenly remembered something, and said to Jiang Shu, "I just met Professor Lin downstairs, and he asked you, I asked him to wait, but he said no, and left "

Jiang Shu was taken aback, Professor Lin looking for him?

"Did you tell me what you were looking for?"

"No." Lu Xin remembered Professor Lin's appearance, "It seems that he is not in a good mood."

Jiang Shu nodded, indicating that he knew.

He lay on the balcony guardrail and looked down at the playground in the distance, biting the beef jerky that Lu Xin brought.

Thanks to Uncle Afa for his reassurance. He has no hostility towards Professor Lin now. Although he is a little curious about what he wants to do with him, he has no desire to delve deeper.

He has more worrying things now.

Jiang Shu turned his head to look at Tu Yang, with a melancholy tone, "If, I mean, if, you like a girl very much, but that girl hates candy, but your family runs a candy store, and that girl is in Knowing that your family opened a candy store, you started hiding from you, what should you do at this time?"

Tu Yang chewed beef jerky, stretched his arms, and lazily rested on the guardrail: "How could there be girls who don't like candy?"

"Maybe... I ate too much when I was a child, and it caused a psychological shadow?"

Tu Yang tilted his head, and Jiang Shu also looked at him. They looked at each other for a while, and sighed in unison. "Boss Jiang avoided you?" Tu Yang

looked at the crowd running on the playground, "Why?" "Because my family is rich?" Tu Yang spit, and then spit on his face a few more times, bent over and laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, fuck me, Boss Jiang is my idol, and he actually hates rich people... ..." Jiang Shu was expressionless. Tu Yang laughed enough, and patted him on the shoulder, with a distressed expression on his face, "Fourth, I have only seen poor people who can't find a partner. You are really the worst rich second generation I know. It's really too miserable. People will dislike you because you are too rich, and I love you." Jiang Shu slapped his hand off his shoulder, very depressed. "Don't worry, there is a reason for any dislike. Do you know why Boss Jiang doesn't like rich people?" "Yes." I was scared of being tricked. "That's it." Tu Yang smiled, "It's not easy to solve if you know the reason?" Jiang Shu's eyes flickered, why didn't he think of it.

After the holidays, the bar became much cleaner. Ah Fa was not at the bar. Jiang Ting went in and got a wine glass. After searching for a long time in the wine cabinet, he found a half bottle of rum, turned the lid with his thumb, and poured half the glass with a clatter .

"You can find it wherever you hide it." Ah Fa came out from the corner.

Jiang Ting shook the wine glass, "Not much."

"Take it easy, and let me explain to your brother when you go to the hospital."

Jiang Ting held the rim of the glass and shook it gently.

Ah Fa walked up to him and sat down, took a wine glass and poured half of it, touched him, "That man is back?" "Yes." "Why didn't you tell me?



Ting took a sip of his wine , the Adam's apple slid up and down, and said quietly: "It's not something important." There is nothing to say.

Ah Fa heard the implication in his words, and the anger that had been suppressed since he knew that the man had returned was greatly relieved by this sentence. He sneered, yes, there is no need to say it at all, he is just an insignificant person.

"Who told you?" Jiang Ting asked. He basically stayed in the bar all these years and didn't go out. Zhan Xin and the others didn't know Lin Yin. How did he know that the man was back?

"I learned it from your little friend." Thinking of Jiang Shu, Ah Fa's tone rarely became serious, "It's a lifetime regret for some people to miss it. Don't wait until it's too late to wake up. At that time, no matter how you Doing anything is futile. Jiang Ting, look in front of you, that kid is fine."

Jiang Ting frowned, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense," Ah Fa sipped his wine, looking at his cold side "I don't believe you don't feel anything about what they do."

Jiang Ting stared straight at the polished wine glass.

"Everyone's courage is limited, especially when you can't see the hope and try hard to chase it, every persistence is very precious. That kid likes you very much. Anyone can see this. If you treat him a little I don't feel it at all, how could you let him come and go in your private domain." Ah Fa propped his chin up, smiling lightly, "I watched you grow up, you can fool anyone, but no one can fool me "

"I don't like him." There was a crisp sound when the wine glass collided with the bar counter, and Jiang Ting looked back at him expressionlessly.

"Well, I don't like it." Ah Fa was not afraid of his cold face at all. This was almost the first time the two of them mentioned a private topic in so many years, "Why don't you think about it again?" Between the two of

them The relationship between Jiang Ting and Jiang Ting is far more serious than it has shown. If there is anyone who dares to say such words in front of Jiang Ting, there is only one Ah Fa left.

Even Zhan Xin and the others thought that the relationship between Jiang Ting and Ah Fa was just a superior-subordinate relationship for many years, but they didn't know that the two had known each other since Jiang Ting was young. As Ah Fa said, he watched Jiang Ting grow up, and Jiang Ting's emotions could not be hidden from him.

Jiang Ting was fierce and rebellious when he was a teenager. Except for his brother, no one else was even an ass in front of him. Even though he has restrained his edge now, who has he been so patient and let go before?

If he has the patience to blow eyelashes for half an hour for other children, he doesn't believe that Jiang Ting can do it with another person.

There are also people who open their mouths to help with the accounting, and then take them to the second floor. Can outsiders enter the second floor at will?

If these are nothing, then with Jiang Ting's sense of territory comparable to beasts, he can even let Jiang Shu participate in the most intimate social circle, and now he is still called brother and brother with Qin Yikai and the others? It is true that the friendship came about because the two parties had the idea of ​​making friends with each other, but his attitude itself acquiesced to the existence of Jiang Shu.

But he himself didn't seem to realize it.

Over the years, Jiang Ting has developed the habit of having cigarettes and alcohol in his hands when he has something to worry about. He picked up the wine glass on the table and rubbed his thumb on the smooth rim, feeling a little irritable suddenly.

He admitted that the child didn't hate it, but not hating it and liking it were two different things, how could they be confused.

"I don't like it."

Ah Fa clicked his tongue, thinking that he might have asked the wrong question, and this person knew how to like it, "Then what do you think is like it?"

What is like like.

A figure flashed in Jiang Ting's mind, the time had passed so long, that person's voice and appearance were far less clear than yesterday.

How can it be blurry? Jiang Ting's body froze. What he should always remember, how could he start to forget.

This discovery made him unacceptable, and his complexion instantly turned pale.

It took Jiang Ting a long time to find his voice, but his tone was so stiff that he didn't realize it, "I will always keep it in my heart." "There

can be many things that will always be in my heart, relatives, lovers, friends, everyone who cares about you People who have left deep marks in their lives can be kept in my heart." After waiting for a long time, I got such a plausible answer.

He has almost participated in half of Jiang Ting's life, since he was brought by Yewang when he was a few years old, the two brothers depended on each other for life, and he knew them when they were struggling to survive in the world.

Who would have imagined that the tall and taciturn man in front of him was rebellious when he was young, and timid and timid when he was young. A person's character will only undergo earth-shaking changes because of great changes. His life is incomplete and missing.

Without the teaching of his mother, without the blessing of his father, the wild boy who grew up stumbling around Yewang actually doesn't know what love is at all.

Jiang Ting was silent for a while, and said in a hoarse voice after a while: "Jealous. You can only be jealous if you like it."

Ah Fa's body trembled suddenly, years of conjecture turned into reality, damn it!

He rubbed his forehead, "When the person you like doesn't belong to you, you will indeed feel jealous."

Because of these words, Jiang Ting's tense body relaxed, and the eyebrows relaxed.

It's a terrible feeling to be shattered by a word that has been firmly established for many years.

Those who can be kept in the bottom of my heart must like it.

Ah Fa continued: "But there are many kinds of liking. Family love, friendship, and friendship can all make a person feel jealous at certain times. Children will be jealous because their parents love their younger siblings more. The balance of the three people is unbalanced and jealous, and this emotion will appear between lovers for various reasons. Have you...distinguished which one you are?" He said the last sentence quite difficult.

After all, that fact is too ridiculous.

Jiang Ting's face suddenly showed a fierce look, his five fingers holding the wine glass tightened, and his joints creaked. He was like a ferocious beast whose heart had been torn open suddenly and his secrets were forcibly exposed to the sun. His whole temperament changed drastically in an instant.

Ah Fa's scalp tingled uncontrollably. Jiang Ting like this made people frightened. The body often perceives danger faster than the brain, so he backed away uncontrollably.

He used to just conjecture, and even felt ridiculous for his conjecture, but now he can't laugh at all.

Jiang Ting likes Ye Wang, and he actually likes his brother.

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