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Ciel's pov,

I am once again in London on behalf of the queen for a new case with Sebastian looking for clues, if we are lucky we will be done by dinner "my Lord look over there.." I turned to look where Sebastian was pointing. There stood a beautiful lady wearing a (F/C) dress with a bow in the same color resting on her waist snugly wrapped there her (H/C) hair slightly messy and her sparkly (E/C) eyes scanning over the crowd
her face was wet with tears as she looked around frantically shaking like a tree in a storm, sebastian leaned down and whispered to me

"Should we help her, my lord?.." I nodded and walked over to her with Sebastian following behind. As we reach the girl her face became more clear to me, her rosy cheeks and plump trembling lips as she tried to talk to someone walking past her but her mouth never opened, she seemed to have noticed me and Sebastian walking over to her, her lips stopped trembling and her tears slowed as she wiped her face with a white handkerchief that was embroidered with (F/F)'s {Favorite flower} in the corner..

Y/N'S Pov,

I feel tears streaming down my face and my body trembles on the unfamiliar street somewhere in London. I was separated from my butler Victor while shopping.. He has black hair and ocean blue eyes.

I tried to talk to people but they just ignored me and kept walking in different directions. In the corner of my eye I see two people walking towards me a man with raven hair and ruby eyes in a butler uniform and walking next to him was a boy about 18 (aged up) with dark blue/black hair and a sapphire eye I couldn't see his other eye because it was covered by an eye patch.. The one with ruby eyes spoke "Are you alright my lady are you lost by chance?"
I nodded "Yes I'm terribly lost- in the large crowds I lost sight of my butler and haven't been able to find him since we where separated.." I felt more tears gather In My eyes but they never fell from my eyes because a gloved hand holding a crimson red handkerchief gently grabbed my face and wiped the tears away "now.. we can't have a lady as beautiful as you crying now can we?.." the man with Ruby eyes gently smiled at me the other man with sapphire eyes rolled his eyes "Sebastian stop flirting with the lady we have a job to do after we help her find her lost companion-"

"MY LADY!" A familiar voice called out through the emptying street "Victor!" I call out as I look around for the black haired man..

Author's pov,

Sebastian went stiff at the presence of another demon feeling a territorial growl crawl up his throat at the smell of dog "MY LADY!" A deep and velvety voice rang from the end of the street Sebastian and ciel watched as Y/N'S face light up at the voice "Victor!" She called out for the man looking around enthusiastically, ciel wasn't bothered by her looking for the man but he could see Sebastian's eyes slit and turn pink when Y/N'S back was turned to him

A man with black hair and ocean blue eyes dropped from a balcony above them and squished Y/N in a hug "I was so worried when you disappeared My Lady!.." Victor's eyes scanning over the men standing behind his precious master first he looked at Ciel and then Sebastian his eyes slit and glow pink as he bared his sharp canine teeth as the crow demon warning him if he gets too close to his master he will attack with no hesitation

As the Demons have a territorial stand of there human masters where having a nice discussion

Ciel's pov,

"I know we haven't known eachother for long but I wanted to thank you!" The lady smiles at me looking at her made me blind "The only thing I want as compensation is your name.." she nodded and slightly blushed "My name is Lady Y/N L/N.." I feel my face tug up slightly"My name is Ciel Phantomhive Earl and owner of the Funtom company as well as the Queens-" "The Queens guard dog~ I know silly!~" Y/N giggles happily making my cheeks feel warm "how do you know I'm the queens guard dog?" I ask curiously "I have seen you in the papers before for solving murders!.." Y/N says cheerfully unaware at how creepy that sentence was because she was smiling "Well..that's..nice?.." I say unsure how to respond "come on let's go shopping!.." Y/n says as she grabs my hand dragging me down the street "w-wait!.."

Author's pov,

Y/N and Ciel had slipped away as the two demons stare each other down victor speaks first "Well~Well~Well look what the birdy dragged in~.." Victor says venomously as he refers to Ciel as the birdy "how did that soft kitty cat come in contact with a dirty dog like yourself?~" Sebastian spits back referring to Y/N as a kitten "that's none of your business Crow" "it very much is because your kitten seems to like my master Mutt" a menacing aura surrounded the two demons until they turn around to talk to their masters "come along Mistress/Young Master" but both pause seeing that their masters are gone "not again!.." victor groans angrily as he grips on his hair.

Sebastian was utterly surprised because Ciel never goes that far from him but he had just disappeared with Y/N "does this happen often?" Sebastian asked victor who nods ashamed "my Mistress is a very curious one but she is deathly afraid of crowds by herself and always seems to forget about it until she is trapped around a lot of people.." victor crumpled to the gravel roads under them "when ever I look away from her for one second she is gone.. I'm a terrible servant!.." Victor cries out as Sebastian stands there akwardly not wanting to comfthe other demon so Sebastian smirks

"I could never loose my master because I'm simply one hell of a butler-" victor scoffs "then where is your master?" Victor coos mockingly at Sebastian making Sebastian punch him in the face making Victor's feet dig into the gravel and making Victor's eye twitch angrily even though he still has a smile on his face "let's just fine our Masters and never speak again.." Victor says as he walks in one direction and Sebastian in the other

Y/N giggles as she runs store to store holding a blushing Ciel's hand "That is so pretty!!" Y/N is running from store to store every time she comes out of a store with another bag, Ciel is carrying a few bags begrudgingly because he didn't want her to carry all of them because it was very rude of him to let the lady carry all of her bags "how did I let this happen?" Ciel sighs heavily as his arm struggles to hold the many bags Y/N had put on his free arm and hand as she holds his hand on his other arm her smile so genuinely happy that he couldn't say no to her her E/C eyes sparkling with child like curiosity..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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