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"so, why'd you call us out here?" yoongi said reluctantly, sipping on his favorite green tea frappucino. namjoon and jungkook nodded in unison.

"well i thought, since it's almost grad, we could go on a trip after." hoseok announced, smiling brightly, he was obviously excited.

"i don't mind." seokjin replied. he really did need a break.

"where are we going though?" namjoon asked.

"i thought we could maybe go to Hyeopjae Beach." hoseok shrugged.

"what about the plane fair and money?" seokjin questioned, to which he got hoseok shrugging again. seokjin could feel the back of his throat itching because money was a problem.

yoongi frowned, thinking about all the costs. he thought maybe he saved enough money from his part-time job to be able to go, but he still worried about the others.

the table was silent, money was a problem. yoongi was probably the only one with a part-time job. but if they could all afford their own apartments, they could probably go if they saved enough.

"we can go." seokjin said, breaking the silence. "we can go if we save our money." he continued.

all of them nodded, agreeing with seokjin. seokjin smiled sweetly at the boys, "now, that's easy, right?" there was a hint of sadism behind that sweet smile, inflicting some fear in the others.

yoongi could see how blue jimin's face went. jimin was an extremely impulsive buyer, and he couldn't go one week without buying something. it's a miracle he can still afford his apartment.

"it's okay." yoongi held jimin's hand, "i'll help you save." the elder smiled softly at the younger, jimin's face visibly became relieved.

the smile that hoseok put on could possibly rival the fucking sun right now, he was so happy they would go on a trip. just the seven of them.


for the rest of the day, the boys went to a local park. it was just to hang out, and maybe suck in all that's happening, what's changing, and what's stayed the same.

they were unusually silent the whole time. jimin and taehyung were on the swings creaking themselves back and forth quietly, taehyung looking up to the sky and the other looking down at the dry sand, jimin's feet ran through it.

"jimin." taehyung said, his eyes starry.

"hm?" jimin mumbled back, gripping the sides of the swing tightly.

"i think i love hoseok." the younger said, his eyes wandering across the sunset. jimin stayed silent for a long time, because he didn't know what to say.

"i hope he loves you back." jimin chuckled to himself, reminding of the days he mindlessly threw himself on jungkook.

it wasn't worth it. he was always thrown back anyways, and the person who caught him was yoongi. it was always yoongi, smiling back wether it was a fake or real one. always.

"taehyung ah," jimin began, "i love yoongi."

jimin was greeted with a playful punch in the groin. taehyung flashed his big rectangular smile back at the shorter boy, and jimin grinned back at him.

"everyone knows that, dumb ass." he scoffed.

"language!" jimin cried dramatically, laughing happily with taehyung after.

they saw a smiling hoseok calling them over, and taehyung ran back quickly like a puppy who's found their owner. jimin giggled and followed after him. the sun was setting, and it was time to go home.


"that was," jimin yawned, "nice." he could hear yoongi dryly laugh.

he sighed and shrugged, looking up to the sky.

"...yeah." yoongi smiled.

though jimin was still constantly worried about yoongi, just having him by his side calmed him. yoongi ate now, he would exercise, he took care of himself.

though maybe yoongi was still emotionally unstable and he was constantly reminded of the feelings he felt by the scars that are left on his arms, jimin's smile made him feel better every. single. day.

he thought a relationship without sex can be perfectly perfect as one with. but he assumed jimin wanted more, and he thought to himself, he really isn't ready.

he's still insecure. he still never looks at his body because he's scared he'll see his bony chest again, and he's trying desperately to completely let go of that part of him.

but it's hard, it's really fucking hard. sometimes, yoongi thinks, maybe i can't do it, maybe I'm just not good enough. he's already told this to jimin, but definitely not everything.

yoongi looks over to jimin, who's silently walking along home with yoongi, their hands deeply intertwined with each other.

jimin could feel yoongi's hand tightening around his. the younger boy looked up to the older who was already looking at him.

"yoongi?" jimin whispered softly at the older boy. yoongi's eyes softened at he looked away, he eyes wandering off of jimin.

"is something wrong?" jimin said again at yoongi.

"no." yoongi replied. he looked back at jimin whose brows were furrowed upward cutely because he was worried.

yoongi leaned into jimin's face closer and pecked him softly on the lips.

by now, jimin would now about all of yoongi's habits, and he did.

yoongi would look away from jimin when he was bothered with something, and he'd kiss him when he didn't want jimin to worry.

"yoongi hyung." jimin smiled at yoongi, "everything is going to be okay, okay?"

yoongi's lips curled up in a smile, and he kissed jimin again, pulling away slowly and softly staring into jimin's eyes.

"okay." yoongi replied.

I literally had no inspiration for how many days.......but then I went from 300 words to 900 words like what. LOL
anyways thank you again for reading, 500+ views, voting and commenting!~~ I love it when you guys comment stuff <33 thank you so much again!!!~
ps. also I drew the photo so no copyright of smth btw loll~ I didn't have a picture of the sky so I just used that drawing I drew earlier today. thanks~!

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