chapter five

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i still had a slight hangover from yesterday, neymar apologised to me in a form of dinner, wine and finally excepting my idea to get a pet. i wanted a dog, he wanted a rabbit. so we settled on a reptile..

i don't know why, but it made the most sense in the long run. i'm lying.. i just really wanted one.

"elle? what you doing?" neymar called out as i thanked the man at the door, dragging in the bags of food. this boy can eat.

i ignored his questions, still annoyed slightly about yesterday. "noelle." he sang out, walking into the kitchen. "oo, is this why my bank is down five hundred?" he teased and i rolled my eyes.

"boy, five hundred to me is ten pence to you." i spoke as he smiled softly, grabbing the bags from the floor and dropping them on the counter.

"you still mad at me?" he asked opening up the cupboards and i handed him the things out of the bag as i nodded. "ok, when will you not be mad at me?"

i shrugged, throwing one of the bags in the bin as we repeated the process for each one. "can you get the door please anjo?" he asked as the bell rang, i groaned playfully as he pouted his lips and i quickly nipped his lips with mine.

i walked towards the door, dusting off my top and swung it open. "he-oh. hi." i spoke out smiling forcefully at the leggy brunette who stood in my doorway.

"hi, noelle right? it's so nice to meet you." she grinned widely and i smiled at her. we awkwardly stood there before i invited her in. "oh my, it's changed hasn't it?" she looked around and i looked over at neymar who was still stacking the shelves.

the fact that she had been here before.. in my house made me.. upset? i know they were together when he moved here, and that this was his house before it was ours. i know that, but i still felt hurt by it.

"anjo, we should go pick up the tortoise soon.. oh. bruna?" he turned around and his eyes widened, as mine narrowed at him. "what are you doing here?"

i crossed my arms as she awkwardly waved at him, did she have to be pretty and nice? i internally screamed before smiling a the girl. "would you like a drink?" i asked as she nodded, i gestured her to sit down and she did so.

neymar gave me the most apologetic look and i turned away from him, i have never met this girl in our whole two and a half year relationship.. then all of a sudden she's all over it.

i grabbed a cup and made her a drink, the room filled with the most painfully awkward silence. "there's less pictures of you." bruna spoke out as neymar laughed.

i passed her the drink and she thanked me, i felt as if my whole body was crawling into itself. this lovely woman who the man i love, once loved as he did me was now sat in my kitchen.. and i had to smile at her.

she has done nothing to me, but yet i'm fighting the urge to smash the freshly cleaned plates over her head.. then do the same to my husband. "yeah.. i wanted less of me and more of her i guess." he joked as bruna chuckled slightly.

i smiled softly, biting down on my lips hard, so hard leo would say the filler would probably burst.. i chuckled at the thought, the two of them looking over at me. "sorry, thinking about leo." i answered as neymar nodded, and bruna only got more confused.

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