Protective:Jj Maybank

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You woke up to the sound of creaking. floorboards you knew it was john b by the sound of the heavy thumps you kept trying to go back to sleep but you just couldn't.

You decided that you were just going to get out of bed but it was almost impossible with jjs arms wrapped around your waist trapping you inside his iron strong grip

Jj was one of the hardest people to try and wake up he would toss and turn then ask for five more minutes but would never get up

you knew Jj like the back of your hand not just because you'd been together for 4 years but before you were anything you were bestfriends he still is your bestfriend not just your boyfriend.

after finally getting out of jjs grasp you stood up and grabbed the pillow you were just
laying on and started hitting him with it over the years you've woke him up so many ways he finally opened his eyes adjusting to the light and started hitting you with the pillow both of you having a pillow fight

as jj had you pinned down on the ground about to slap you straight in the face with the pillow your phone began to buzz from the bed making jj reach for it and hit the "accept" button talking in a weird voice to kie then hanging up getting off of you

"she wants to know if you want to go to the beach" Jj said reaching his hand out for you to pull you up "that's not even a question" you said grabbing the beach bag that had all your essentials and grabbed a pink bikini out of the top dresser drawer also grabbing Jj his matching bottoms

Once you both changed you started your walk to the beach since it wasn't that far "hey look it's mr.impossible to get up"John b said already teasing the boy

"shut up" Jj said still tired you laid his towel down beside everyone else's stuff  as soon as it was laid down he flopped down on it ready to fall asleep you laid out next to jj and started working on your tan

apparently, you had fallen asleep because you woke up to a harsh smack across your ass. You turned around expecting to see your blonde-haired boyfriend but instead, you saw a boy with red hair with a smirk across his face

you had never seen him your whole life and you've lived on outer banks your entire life which meant he was a we're pulled out of your thoughts by kie and sarah going off on the boy.

the sound of the girls yelling made the boys turn around and start to run out of the water you knew jj was going to flip his shit once he found.

"what's going on?" John b asked already pissed off he knew something bad had to happen for sarah to yell at the boy "he smacked gracie's ass" sarah said calling him out

"you touched my fucking girl dude?"Jj said walking towards the boy incredibly pissed off "yeah i did. what you going to do about it" the red head boy laughed that's where he fucked up real bad jj tackled the boy he was overtop of him punching the shit out of him screaming at him

the red head was begging for him to stop john b and pope had to pull him off the boy he had red  puffy eyes and a bloody nose and bruises beginning to form he was going to be unrecognizable

everyone knew you had to get out soon because once the police showed up and the boy told him who it was then you all would be in deeper shit then you already were

John b pulled into the driveway of the chateau everyone flopping down on the couch except Jj and you having a boyfriend who constantly got into had its benefits you were basically a nurse now after having to stitch your own boyfriend up having to always clean him up after fights.

he was sitting on the counter you were in  between his legs cleaning the boys blood off of him "gracie?"Jj whispered "yeah?"you asked throwing away the bloody cotton ball "im sorry that i wasn't there when it happened " his voice breaking "oh jj" you said hugging him

things were a little bit shaken up for the rest of the night but you ended it with jjs arms. wrapped around your waist and before you knew you were asleep

Jj maybank,Rudy Pankow ,Rafe Cameron and Drew Starkey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now