Chapter 5

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When Norman and Ray were talking to each other

Rays POV

"Norman can I talk to you for a second?" I asked the albino. "Could you whack some sense into that idiot? She's being unreasonable!"

"Yeah, but I'm glad that she's back to her cheerful self," Norman responded, laughing.

"You're missing my point! Stop her! Or you'll both die!" I yelled at him. "You knew from the start right?"

"Emma was crying," Norman started. "And she never cries. "I thought she was crying because she was scared. I was scared too. But I was wrong.  I was scared of dying. But Emma...was scared of her family dying. She's amazing. Thinking of others while in that situation."

"But it's not the correct thong to do! It's like trying to make a boat out of mud! Honestly if it's just the four of us we can escape." I tried to convince him. "Did you see Y/n crying? If we try to escape with everyone, and they die, she'll be broken."

"It's not that. I also want to make a boat out of mud!" he exclaimed.

"Huh? Why?" I asked. "You're different! You're more cool headed and always think of the best option. So, why..."

"Because I care about her. I like Emma and I want her to always be smiling. But, Y/n, I love her. I always will. I don't want her to cry, but I know she's kind and dreams to escape with everyone. And I will make her dream come true. By utilizing myself."

"But what if they die because of it?" I questioned him.

"I'll make sure that never happens. If you bake mud, it can it can become a vessel. So a boat made out of mud won't necessarily sink."

"You're being foolish!" I yelled.

"Maybe. So what are you going to do? We're insane. We've totally lost it. You can't let us do this on our own, right? Especially since she's involved," Norman said, looking pointedly at Y/n.

"Damn. Of course not."


Back to current time

Your POV

"So far things are going as planned," Ray said when everyone was meeting up to plan. "What should we do next?"

"Ray! Emma! Y/n! Norman!" Mama called you the four of you.


'Don and Gilda were called too?' you thought.

"What do you need Mama?" Don asked.

"Could I ask you to help me with some chores?"

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