Meeting Him Again-3rd p.o.v

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She was silently typing away bored out of her mind but determined to get it done so finally in 6 months she would have good night sleep. As she was about to send it to her boss, there was a knock on her door. As she prepared herself for company the stranger strode inside with their back towards her. Not that she minded because it was a great back to admire. His back showed his defined muscles and his butt was FANTASTIC!

"Please sit down and I will be with you in a moment sir", she aid as she finished up her work. The mysterious person sat down and when she finished her work she looked up to find a very sexy and handsome man staring back at her with midnight blue eyes and beautiful black hair. His appearance and smell were so sexy her womb was instantly pouring juices waiting for him to lap them up. As if smelling her arousal his lips quirked up into a sexy smile.

"What can I do for you sir?" She asked as she didn't have any appointments scheduled for today.

"Well," he said with a smile. "I am here to work with you on the Hindenburg case."

Oh shit, she thought, how am I supposed to focus on the case with him around. "Ok, mystery man, what is your name so we may get started formally?"

"My name? You don't recognize me at all, Maya?" He said with hurt evident in his voice.

"No, am I supposed to?" She asked with curiosity. She didn't know that she was supposed to know him.

"My name is Brandon Scott." Just as he said that, Maya stood up and tried to go exit the room, because she was getting to hot, but before she got very far she passed out.

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