Who am I?

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Nicole's POV:

I snapped open my eyes to see a beautiful girl standing next to me. I looked around in confusion taking in my surrounding, everything looked so expensive and unfamiliar.

The young girl finally took notice that I am awake. I stared at her realizing she was wearing a maid outfit, she looks flustered as she quickly greeted with a awkward smile "your majesty, you're awake".

I looked at her confused "me?" I blurted out.

She looked shocked before she asked "Your majesty, are you alight?  do you remember me?"


She suddenly ran out the room screeming to "call the royal physician"

I took the time to admire the room I was in. I caught a glimpse of my appearance in a mirror, I instantly turned my attention back to the mirror. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

In the mirror sat a beautiful lady with pale skin, electrifying purple eyes with light blue pupils and long dark voilet hair that becomes lighter at the ends. Basically an exact replica of Raiden Shogun.

I was simply staring at a goddess, that was staring straight back at me.

'Is this really me ' I thought as I touched the delicatly soft skin of my face.

I suddenly remembered something 'Kyle, Kiara'. I started to panic, frantically searching for my twins.

I hastily got off the soft matress looking everywhere for my kid. 'Where are you?'

I was on the verge of breaking down. When the door opened and the same made came in with a anxious looking man. I quickly made myself presentable, not used to showing people my weak side.

The man guided me to the bed where he sat me down and started to check my body with what I identified as magic for any injury.

He then turned to the made and said "Her majesty suffers from Amnesia, which is temporary or permanent memory loss. But in her case it is permanent "

The maid looked shocked, she quickly replied "thank you, sir "

He then turned to me and said " Your majesty, you should get some rest. Your body needs to replenish it's energy"

I simply nodded and watched them leave. I then laid my head on the soft cushioned pillow, slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.

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