Chapter 2

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The sun beamed through the windows the next morning. Squigly, ever the early bird, sat up in the bed, yawning softly and looking down at Harry, still sleeping soundly in her arms. She gave him a warm smile and rubbed the back of his head gently as she held him close. She knew he had a lot of sleep to catch up on, and so made no attempt to wake him.

It was odd to have a moment of peace like this after all she had been through, but things appeared to be looking up for her. She was among the living once more... somewhat at least, she had a lead on a job that would let her do what she loved once more, and she had someone who needed her. That last thought caused her smile to widen as she slowly ran her fingers through Harry's messy black locks.

"Such a sweet little boy." She mentally cooed, gently kissing his forehead. The action made Harry squirm slightly and let out a happy coo in his sleep. Squigly sighed contently. The poor thing seemed to have finally gotten a decent night's sleep, he had been cleaned up, and his injures were attended to. Those were steps in the right direction.

"I still don't like the few ideas we have about how he got those injuries..." She frowned.

The two stayed like that for several minutes... Before the door was abruptly thrown open, and Squigly felt herself being hugged from the side, thankfully at an angle that wouldn't disturb Harry. She immediately knew who it was and smiled softly. "Hello, Filia... It's been such a long time, hasn't it?" Filia's eyes were practically shining, but before she could release her excitement, Squigly put a finger over her mouth, "We need to speak softly, Harry is still asleep." Filia looked at the little boy and tried not to release a delighted squee on the same level as Squigly's earlier horrified shriek.

"Ohmygoshhessocutewheredhecomefrom!?" She quietly whispered at inhuman speeds. She let go of Squigly and seemed completely focused on the tiny sleeping boy.

"I feel like there's a lot we've missed..." Samson remarked, making himself known, before looking to the other parasite. "Hey old man. She treating you alright?"

"Oh yes, of course." Leviathan nodded. "Lady Squiggly is a most excellent host."

"Geez you're old..." Samson muttered.

Leviathan snorted. "Oh, shut up, you flea-ridden hairball. Frankly, I'm amazed you're still around the lady Medici. I figured she'd have forcibly torn you out by now." Samson laughed.

"Yeah, right. Filia and I are tight, worm. I'm here till the day she dies, ya moldy old snake." Leviathan bristled in anger and was abouf to retort when Squigly gently held his mouth closed. "Shhh... You'll wake Harry." She said gently.

"Apologies, m'lady." Leviathan said with a bow of his head. Samson grumbled out an apology when Filia gave him a light smack instead of her usual punch. Harry mumbled in his sleep while snuggling into Squigly's side, causing her and Filia to smile. Filia cooed as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.

"I heard he was cute, but this just isn't fair."

Squigly smiled softly at the little boy in her arms and nodded her head. "Yes... He really is the most darling thing I've ever seen..." She carefully shifted her hold on him so that she was cradling him like a baby and rocked him back and forth in her arms gently. He cooed and snuggled up.

"So like, off topic here, but why are you awake?" Filia then asked. "I thought you went back to your grave after all that stuff with the Skullgirl blew over."

"Well, I did." Squiggly frowned. "And... I can't explain why, but I believe little Harry here woke me up. He just... appeared in the graveyard a few nights ago."

"...I'm sorry, what?" Samson asked flatly.

"Yeah... he was in the graveyard?" Filia asked, confusion and a slight hint of fear in her tone. "Was he lost? Okay, I mean, he was. But-"

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